BBC Musk

Guest Post by Iain Davis

There is a whiff of desperation in the air and it is emanating from the BBC. In a car crash of an interview, reminiscent of Kathy Newman’s self-immolating attempt to shoot down Jordan Peterson for Channel 4, the BBC’s North America Technology reporter, James Clayton, similarly imploded in the face of perfectly reasonable questions from Elon Musk.

Elon Musk is supposedly one of the richest people on Earth. His purchase of Twitter has brought some public attention to the issue of free speech in so-called democracies.

Musk initially became fabulously wealthy thanks to the unwavering support of a clique of globalists and accelerationists, alongside governments, that kept Musk afloat whenever his businesses failed, often by pouring enormous taxpayer subsidies into his speculative ventures. He holds the world record for loosing a largest ever personal fortune when he dumped Tesla stock to finance the Twitter deal.

Musk was reportedly a WEF young global leader and launched his Space-X business with the support of Mike Griffin, then the president and Chief Operations Officer for the CIA’s investment firm, In-Q-Tel. Having started his entrepreneurial life in the 1990s, by 2008 Musk was flat broke and, despite considerable taxpayer investment, Space-X was bankrupt.

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EXCLUSIVE: Proof the BBC is trying to gaslight the UK

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

They are lying and I can prove it. The numbers are clear. The numbers don’t lie.

The BBC just published an article claiming that the record high excess deaths in the UK are due to limited access to healthcare.

This is false and I can prove it. The data doesn’t show that at all.

Method #1: UK ONS data

The UK data shows that by April 2022, in every age range, the vaccinated were dying at a higher rate than the unvaccinated. This is why the UK government stopped reporting these statistics because the numbers were showing that the shots were killing people:

These are the official UK numbers plotted out in a way that makes it very clear that the vaccinated are dying more often than the unvaxxed (line is above 1.0).

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