Biden Campaign Holds Boat Parade But It’s Just Biden Alone In A Paddleboat

Via The Babylon Bee

WILMINGTON, DE—The Biden campaign has grown concerned with all the Trump flotillas happening nearly every weekend, gathering hundreds of enthusiastic supporters. So, they’re fighting back with their own boat parade, but it’s just Biden alone in a paddleboat in the middle of a lake.

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So, How Do They Dump Biden?

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

So, How Do They Dump Biden?

As the Democrat presidential campaign degenerates into “Weekend at Gropey’s,” a question arises: Assuming the Dems and their media minions somehow drag that rickety, basement-dwelling weirdo across the finish line, how do they get rid of him post-inauguration? Clearly, he would be a figurehead as Dr. Demento – sorry, Dr. Jill – and Kamala Harris joust for control before a backdrop of scheming pinko puppetmasters. But sooner or later, probably sooner, the Dem elite is going to try to put him out to pasture. How could they pull it off? And can they? Let’s see…

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Poltics & the Decline & Fall of America

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

300 people. There have been allegations that Biden’s speech was prerecorded and masterfully edited. The Democrats insist it was live. There were some journalists who claim to have been present. ABC’s Johnny Verhovek, BuzzFeed’s Ruby Cramer, the Washington Post’s Annie Linskey, the New York Times’ Katie Glueck, the Wall Street Journal’s Ken Thomas, the Daily Beast’s Hanna Trudo, CNN’s Sarah Mucha, the Atlantic’s Edward-Isaac Dovere and CBS’s Bo Erickson. Of course, they did not invite anyone who was not promoting the Democrats against Trump so claiming these journalists are proof is by no means trustworthy.

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