The Rapidly Emerging Rule of Tyranny in the West

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

An 18 year old mother put her baby in a dumpster with a trash compactor. The police found the baby’s remains wrapped in a mattress protector inside a zipped-up duffel bag. Evil must have taken a large step forward for a mother to do this to her baby.

I can imagine Jakayla Williams thinking that if she had aborted the baby there would be no complaint, so why can’t she put the baby in the dumpster?

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The United States is on the verge of becoming a tyranny


The GEOFOR editorial board asked Paul Craig Roberts, Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy (USA), a PhD in Economics and US Undersecretary of Treasury in the Reagan administration, to find out why Kevin McCarthy is leaving the post of Speaker of the US House of Representatives, how the preparation for the 2024 presidential election is going, and what place Ukraine will occupy in it.

– In Russia, the unprecedented resignation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the third person in the state hierarchy, is considered as evidence of the serious political crisis that Washington is currently experiencing. To what extent, in your opinion, is this assessment fair? And what does it indicate?

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If not now, when? If not us, who?




Biden’s Tyranny Continues: So Much For The Second Amendment

Via The Blue State Conservative

On Monday, April 11th, 2022, America was once again forced to listen to the sound of their Bill of Rights being chipped away and their Inalienable God-given Right to “keep and bear arms” being suppressed by Joe Biden and his high-handed,  tyrannical regime, as he unveiled his new plan to illegally and unconstitutionally ban “ghost guns” and enforce “our common-sense gun laws”, which in reality is just one more step towards a total ban of firearms in America. He’s trampling on the Second Amendment, which has absolutely no qualifiers to suggest that anyone may carry a firearm “if” he does this thing or another or “unless” some other circumstance or criteria is met, regardless of how any firearm is made.

I nearly choked when I heard Biden assert that he actually supported our Second Amendment rights. Truth be known, Biden has sought to end all firearm rights of all Americans for most of his political career. as he and others championed the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban; but even long before that, Biden had blamed guns rather than the criminals who used them to commit crimes.

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