If Biden Succeeds With His Goal, Who Will Be The Brave Souls Coming To Take All Those Guns

Via The Blue State Conservative

If anyone was paying any attention to Biden’s latest speech, and I’m not sure anyone was, he is getting serious it seems about gun control.

Okay, I know he may not fully grasp all those notes provided him for his speeches and policies but come on man, somewhere in his memory, if he thinks real hard, he must remember he opened our southern border to every illegal including every form of criminals.

Crimes of murder, rape, home invasion, assaults, muggings, you name it are soaring and he wants to disarm honest Americans?

What unbelievable contempt the left has for our Constitution, laws, and simple safety of people. Sure shot some career criminal intent on killing you and leftist prosecutors arrest and put you on trial for murder (see Kyle Rittenberger) at the same time they are releasing convicted murders from prison early because of a said disproportionate number of blacks in our prisons. Continue reading “If Biden Succeeds With His Goal, Who Will Be The Brave Souls Coming To Take All Those Guns”