Big Ag Eats Itself

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

They still use the words farm and farmer, but that’s not what these people are- they are industrial agriculture operations. They both engage in certain sets of practices that seem similar on the surface, but everything else about them is distinctly dissimilar. One is a steward of the land and everything on it, the other is a strip miner of natural resources. I find it amusing that after yet another round of deliberate banking decisions to suck landowners into debt positions based on economic projections devised by computer algorithms, they find themselves sucking hind tit yet again.

Go big and get screwed.

Via Reuters

Wall Street banks bailing on troubled U.S. farm sector

CHICAGO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – In the wake of the U.S. housing meltdown of the late 2000s, JPMorgan Chase & Co hunted for new ways to expand its loan business beyond the troubled mortgage sector.

Image result for Wall Street banks bailing on troubled U.S. farm sector
Gordon A. Giese, feeds some of the dairy cows at the family farm, God Green Acres in Mayville, Wisconsin, U.S., June 24, 2019. Picture taken June 24, 2019. REUTERS/Darren Hauck

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Big Ag Gets Rid of People

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Farming and Industrial Agriculture are similar in the way a day old baby and a elderly corpse are the same thing. The difference is that one has potential and represents health and life and the other is dangerous to life if you don’t do something about it soon.

Whenever you see the word “farmer” or “American farms” in a MSM story you know immediately that they aren’t talking about farmers or farms, but Industrial combines that produce monoculture crops to “feed the world” or to add to gasoline to slowly and deliberately wreck engines.

Industrial Agriculture does the exact opposite of farming by leaching nutrients out of the soil, breaking it down through misuse, and the application of toxins in the form of pesticides and herbicides, ruins the water tables by leaking huge lagoons of manure slurry into waterways every time it rains and demoralizing the people who staff this outdoor factory that treats every living thing like a commodity or a widget instead of the important part of Nature it represents. Now they just want to get rid of the last nagging and troublesome detail of “Farming”, human beings.

As I’ve said before, robots can do everything a human being can do at ten times the cost, with four times as much labor involved and with a much shorter lifespan than that of a human…

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