Former NSA Tech Chief Says Mueller Report Was Based On CIA-Fabricated “Evidence”

Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Duran,

On December 12th, the retired NSA whistleblower and former Technical Director of the NSA, Bill Binney asserted, at 39:00-44:00 in this audio interview of him:

BILL BINNEY: I basically have always been saying that all of this Russian hack never happened, but we have some more evidence coming out recently.

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Tales From the Dark Side: Ray McGovern

Guest Post by Jesse

Here is a discussion that covers a variety of topics.

I find it to be fascinating.   It goes well with a drink in the evening when nothing is on the boob tube.

McGovern is a good conversationalist.  He is the kind of guy you might like to have a cup of coffee or a beer with, and just talk—  even if he was not a very knowledgeable former insider.   He and his partner at VIPS, Bill Binney, tend to piss a lot of people off, because they are willing to give voice to unpopular opinions, to it like it is, and back it up with reasoning and facts..   It is a dangerous habit in a time of general deceit.   After all, we kill the prophets, and stone those messengers sent to warn us.

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Bill Binney In His Own Words: ‘A Collaborative Conspiracy to Subvert the Government of the US’

Guest Post by Jesse

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

William Edward Binney is a former highly placed intelligence official with the United States National Security Agency (NSA) turned whistleblower who resigned on October 31, 2001, after more than 30 years with the agency.

He was a high-profile critic of his former employers during the George W. Bush administration, and later criticized the NSA’s data collection policies during the Barack Obama administration.

In 2016, he said the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election was false.

Wikipedia, Bill Binney

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Worst Spying In World History – Worse Than Any Dystopian Novel – Is Occurring RIGHT NOW

George Washington's picture

We noted in 2012 that Americans are the most spied upon people in world history.

Top NSA officials previously said that we’ve got a “police state” … like J. Edgar Hoover – or the Stasi – on “super steroids”.

Spying by the NSA is also worse than in Nazi German:

The tyrants in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia and Stasi Eastern Europe would have liked to easedrop on every communication and every transaction of every citizen.  But in the world before the internet, smart phones, electronic medical records and digital credit card transactions, much of what happened behind closed doors remained private.

Indeed, a former lieutenant colonel for the East German Stasi said the NSA’s spy capabilities would have been “a dream come true” for the Stasi.

NSA contractor Edward Snowden said in 2013 that NSA spying was worse than in Orwell’s book 1984. (See update below).

We noted at the time that the NSA is spying on us through our computers, phones, cars, buses, streetlights, at airports and on the street, via mobile scanners and drones, through our smart meters, and in many other ways.

And we learned that same year that the NSA is laughing at all of us for carrying powerful spying devices around in our pockets. And see this.

A security expert said the same year: