CDC: Birth rates in the US are WELL below replacement rates, with even fewer babies born last year than 2021

Via Not the Bee

The newest birth-rate numbers are out and they spell disaster for the future of the US.

According to provisional data from the CDC, last year saw less than 3.7 million new babies born in the United States, placing us well below the replacement rate.

The time the United States has left as a nation is dwindling by the year.

According to the CDC, there were 3.66 million births in the U.S. last year which is only a slight decline from 2021 when a few thousand more births occurred. Overall, the fertility rate remained at 1.66 births per woman.

To be at replacement level, where a generation can exactly replace themselves, the U.S. needs a fertility rate of 2.1 births per woman.

But hey! Millions of illegal immigrants with no respect for American values, the rule of law, or American culture are coming across the border. So we’ve got that going for us, I guess.

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Are the COVID mRNA Shots Affecting Birth Rates?

Guest Post by   Josh Mitteldorf, Ph.D.

From the beginning, there have been glaring signs that the mRNA shots may be impairing fertility. Preliminary data suggests that our worst fears have not materialized. The reason for this is not yet clear.

covid vaccines birth rates feature

In the spring of 2021, early signs suggested COVID-19 shots might cause a steep decline in fertility.

The early New England Journal of Medicine article that was supposed to reassure us that the vaccines were safe for pregnant women actually included data tables that indicated an 80% miscarriage rate for women vaccinated in their first trimester.

A follow-up article was based on a sample skewed heavily toward women vaccinated later in their pregnancy.

Late in 2021, Japan released Pfizer animal data (also available to the West, but withheld from the public) indicating that lipid nanoparticles from the vaccines tend to accumulate in the ovaries.

And among the few pregnant women who slipped inadvertently into the Pfizer trial, the rate of stillbirths was high.

The mRNA shots were recommended in 2021 for pregnant women all over the world, even though pregnant women were excluded from clinical trials the previous fall.

After the fact, Pfizer initiated a trial specifically for pregnant women, then abruptly curtailed it and never issued a report. Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., an investigative reporter, reported recently on this apparent cover-up.

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Declining birth rates post-Covid vaccines – is it time to panic?

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

In the last few weeks, vaccine skeptics have reported data from multiple countries showing a significant drop in birth rates starting in early 2022 – approximately nine months after mass Covid vaccinations began in people of reproductive age in those countries.

It is worth noting that these are the smart skeptics, not the 5G conspiracy theorists. (It is also worth noting the 5G types have largely disappeared from the conversation. The mRNA vaccine data on side effects and efficacy are now so bad that reasonable people have scary enough concerns to crowd out the crazies.)

Here’s the most recent major data dive, from the analyst who calls himself the bad cat. He examines data on Swedish births from the first quarter of 2021 and concludes:

i think this makes the case that sweden is just experiencing normal variability look very weak and the the case for a vaccine driven effect look quite strong.

that is NOT what i was hoping to find. if this is what it looks like, this is very bad news.

bad cattitude
swedish birth rate data: what does it really show us?
there has been a great deal of talk about swedish birth rate data (among many other countries) in 2022. i think sweden provides a particularly interesting lab/test case for a number of reasons: they pr…

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