I have no clue about social media. I used to have a TBP Facebook page and I deleted it. I hate Google and Facebook and will have nothing to do with them. I don’t know anything about Twitter, but Avalon recently started an account. She suggested that we create a Burning Platform twitter account and she would tweet whatever articles I think should be tweeted.

When she tried to open it under my email address it seems someone already had an account under my email address for spam, which was suspended by Twitter. So we had to create a new email address and ultimately opened the brand new Burning Platform twitter account. How exciting.

You can follow the Burning Platform here (there is a follow me button on the sidebar):



We thought the monkey was perfect. I have no idea how many TBPers use Twitter. But if you do, start following it today. I’m already up to 3 followers so far – including Avalon. Zero Hedge has 312,000 followers, so I’m not far behind. The first 100 followers get to spend the day helping bb make Fed Ex deliveries.

If this helps get our message out to a few more people who wouldn’t normally read this stuff, I guess it is worth a try.

I hear some people are addicted to Twitter.