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“Proponents of so-called solar geoengineering, such as tech billionaire Bill Gates, say techniques intended to block a portion of the solar radiation reaching the planet ought to be considered. Gates himself has put his money where his mouth is, backing a Harvard University experiment to look at the effect of spraying particles into the stratosphere to, in theory, create a global cooling effect.”Forbes Magazine – January 20,2022

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“A small group of leading climate scientists, financially supported by billionaires including Bill Gates, are lobbying governments and international bodies to back experiments into manipulating the climate on a global scale to avoid catastrophic climate change.

The scientists, who advocate geoengineering methods such as spraying millions of tonnes of reflective particles of sulphur dioxide 30 miles above earth, argue that a “plan B” for climate change will be needed if the UN and politicians cannot agree to making the necessary cuts in greenhouse gases, and say the US government and others should pay for a major programme of international research.”The Guardian – February 6, 2012

Continue reading “RIDDLE ME THIS”

The Hidden Agenda Behind the UK Government’s Very Real Chemtrail Operations

Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: What’s truly amazing is the extraordinary effectiveness of the government’s never-ending mind control program designed to convince the U.S. citizenry that chemtrails do not exist.  Even the US government has detailed many aspects of their ongoing geoengineering programs, and yet folks still cling for dear life to their “they’re all contrails, not chemtrails” foolishness.  Really, how can people still be so impervious to reason after viewing photos like this: Irrefutable Evidence of Chemical Geoengineering Plastered All Over Our Skies Like This!

Even after readers have read one exposé after another at our Chemtrail website, they continue to write us with great passion about our deceiving the masses, even after posting so much hard evidence like this: GEOENGINEERING BOMBSHELL: U.S. Air Force General Acknowledges Chemtrail Operations Are Now Routine (Video)

What follows is a link that contains several articles which provide an ironclad case against the current regime of chemtrail operations systematically conducted by the US military (Air Force & Navy) across the 50 states and beyond.

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This morning I did my weekly grocery store excursion, shortly after sunrise. As I pulled my car out of the garage and started on my way, I immediately noticed the most comprehensive chemtrail painting in the sky I have ever seen in my little corner of the earth. So, according to the National Weather Service it is currently bright sunshine where I live. Not a cloud in the sky.

What follows are what the skies above my township look like at this very moment.


CHEMTRAILS: The Planetary Catastrophe Caused by Chemical Geo-engineering

Via State of the Nation

Chemical geoengineering is just one prong
of a multi-pronged weather warfare strategy
designed to radically alter climate patterns
and produce catastrophic weather events.

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following photo-documentary is perhaps the best of its kind on the Internet today which proves the existence of chemical geoengineering programs conducted around the globe 24/7.

It there is one secret war being waged against all of humanity that’s having increasingly calamitous effects, it’s the nonstop weather warfare occurring worldwide today.  All folks need to do is look up at the sky to understand how they are being chemically attacked and biologically assaulted.

The evidence of this weather weaponry in action is as compelling as watching a perfectly blue sky and sunny day, as forecasted by the local weatherman, suddenly transformed into a heavy overcast due to an out-of-nowhere chemtrail spraying operation that rapidly produces a massive chemcloud cover…right in front of your eyes.

Continue reading “CHEMTRAILS: The Planetary Catastrophe Caused by Chemical Geo-engineering”


As the battle between the chemtrail deniers and the chemtrail rationalists continues on my post from yesterday – FORECAST FOR TODAY: SUNNY, WITH…….. I thought it was time for a little critical thinking. I know that is hard for those who went to pilot school and tend to believe whatever authorities and “experts” declare to be the truth. Rather than use their own two eyes and the brain they were given, they stubbornly choose to remain stupid and ignorant of the proof, right before their very eyes.

So, the forecast for today was absolutely identical to the forecast yesterday – hot and sunny, with no clouds in the forecast. Same temperature and humidity. It has been identical for the last four days. I decided to take pictures of the sky this morning at the exact time and place I had taken the chemtrail pictures yesterday. Lo and behold, take a gander at these three pictures. What do you notice? I notice not one natural cloud, not one chemtrail, and shockingly, not one contrail from a jetliner. Perfectly blue sky.

Continue reading “THE STUPID, IT BURNS!!!”