US nursing home data shows clearly that the COVID vaccines made things much worse

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

CMS publishes record-level nursing home data by week. When you analyze this data different ways, the conclusion is always the same: the vaccines were a disaster, increasing the death rate from COVID.
You can download the CMS nursing home data here by clicking the image. If this was a success story, you’d be reading about it in The New York Times. But the CDC and mainstream media are silent. That tells you everything you need to know. And if they try to publish a flawed analysis to try to gaslight you, it will backfire and be even worse for them.

Executive summary

We finally have the “gold standard” ground truth data that nobody can argue with showing that the COVID vaccines were a disaster for the elderly, the very population they were meant to protect.

The source of the data? Weekly infection, mortality reports from over 15,000 US nursing homes who were required to report their numbers to Medicare (aka CMS).

What makes this so important is that around 40% of the COVID deaths were in nursing homes. So nursing home COVID infection and death data is the “holy grail.” You cannot get any better than this.

And we set up the analysis to look when the variant matched the vaccine, and limited our analysis to the few months after vaccination before immunity starts to wane. So we set up the vaccine for success. We did everything possible to find the strongest possible signal of effectiveness.

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