Modern Family

Via The American Conservative

The woman in the middle is the mother and the grandmother of the baby she bore for her gay son (left) and his husband (right). (BuzzFeed screenshot)

News from the World of Progress:

When Matthew Eledge and his husband, Elliot Dougherty, told Matthew’s mother, Cecile, that they were planning to start their family, Cecile thought fondly of her own parental journey. She’d loved being pregnant decades earlier with her three now-grown children.

“If you want me to be the gestational carrier,” she told Matthew, “I’d do it in a heartbeat.”

Matthew, 32, and Elliot, 29, appreciated the gesture, but, they thought, let’s be real — it’s not like that would ever happen. A postmenopausal 61-year-old couldn’t possibly be equipped to carry and give birth to a baby. Right?

Continue reading “Modern Family”


Via Hollywood Unlocked

KTLA Anchor Passed Away From Overdose After Inserting Crystal Meth Into His Anus

KTLA anchor Chris Burrous’ cause of death has been confirmed as an overdose after inserting Crystal Meth into his anus.

As we reported, Burrous passed away back in December after he was found unresponsive at a motel.

The Blast reports that the L.A. County Medical Examiner states that he died from methamphetamine overdose after he was found at a Glendale motel. His death has been ruled as accidental.

Investigators state that Burrous met a man online at Grindr, where they set up a date and later met at a motel. Apparently, they had four previous interactions.

Continue reading “MEANWHILE….IN LA”

Homophiles Prepping The Children

Via Goodbye America (in a photo)

An eight-year-old models a “sexy” dress that adults film and share on social media for virtue sniveling dopamine rewards.

That would be degenerate enough, except the eight-year-old isn’t a little girl.

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