And America’s Dirtiest Metropolis Is…

I’m psyched. Philly made another top 5 list. What a prestigious honor. Dirt, crime, poverty, failing schools, fatherless homes, and crumbling infrastructure. I wonder what political party is in charge of these urban shitholes?

Well, you guessed it, New York City of course – this dirty city has more pests and litter than any other large metropolis in the United States, according to newly compiled government data by the cleaning-services company Busy Bee.

The cleaning company ranked 40 large cities across the United States based on data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the American Housing Survey (AHS), and the U.S. Census Bureau to create an informative infographic to determine just how shitty America really is. Factors include litter, pests such as mice and cockroaches, population density, particulate matter air pollution, and nitrogen dioxide air pollution.

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