Gold Star family booed on flight as they headed to meet their soldier’s remains

The first class pricks were most definitely Hillary voters.

Via McClatchy

Staff Sgt. John W. Perry, 30, of Stockton, Calif., died Nov. 12 of injuries sustained from an apparent suicide bomber in Bagram, Afghanistan.

The father of a soldier who was killed last weekend in Afghanistan was disappointed and hurt after airline passengers booed him and his family as they flew to meet his son’s remains.

Stewart Perry, an ex-Marine who lives in Stockton, said the ordeal left him feeling disrespected.

“It was really disgusting on the passengers’ part,” he said Friday.

His son, Sgt. John W. Perry, was one of two killed in an explosion at a United States airbase on Nov. 12. He was honored at a memorial service in Lodi on Thursday and will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

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