Mysterious Drug-Resistant Germ Deemed An “Urgent Threat” Is Quietly Sweeping The Globe

Via ZeroHedge

Thanks to the overprescription of antimicrobial drugs and use of antifungicides in crop production, a relatively new germ that preys on people with weakened immune systems is rapidly spreading across the globe, according to the New York Times.

A projection of the C. auris fungus on a microscope slide.CreditMelissa Golden for The New York Times

The infection – a fungus called Candida auris, kills half of patients who contract it within 90 days, according to the CDC – as it’s impervious to most major antifungal medications. First described in 2009 after a 70-year-old Japanese woman showed up at a Tokyo hospital with C. auris in her ear canal, the aggressive yeast infection has spread across Asia and Europe – arriving in the US by 2016.

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I’m sure the radiation from the nuclear war will take care of those nasty bugs. So don’t worry.

According to a recent report, drug-resistant infections are set to skyrocket and they could cost the global economy as much as $100 trillion by 2050. Many diseases are growing increasingly resistant to the drugs used to treat them and the report notes that a new strain of E. coli has emerged that is immune to the previous class of antibiotics used to treat it successfully. Worse still, drug-resistant infections will kill more people than cancer in just over three decades. By 2050, ten million people are set to lose their lives every year unnecessarily unless drastic action is taken to tackle the problem.

Infographic: Deaths From Drug-Resistant Infections Set To Skyrocket | Statista

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