Stucky QOTD: Election Day

How will you spend election day?  Will it generally be just like any other day?  Or, will you be more anxious and nervous than ever?  What will you be thinking about most of the day?  Will you actually be able to get work done?

BTW …. that’s just one question.

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My routine …. I’m dead serious about this.

It will be a 100% NO NEWS day.  No TV.  No radio. No internet … I won’t even be logging on here.  I’ll be doing stuff in the yard all day.  In the evening I’ll be reading a book until I fall asleep.  I’ll sleep in the next day until 9AM.  Only then will I turn on the news to see if; 1) we’re on our way to WWIII or, 2) we at least have a shot of saving this country.

I simply can’t do it any other way.  I simply can’t watch the minute-by-minute coverage …. Trump is winning, no he’s  not, yes he is, it looks close, it’s a landslide, blah blah blah blah blah.  Can’t do it.

It’s supposed to be in the 60’s here tomorrow.  I might even take a ride down to Sandy Hook beach.  Below, actual picture of Stucky during the last election day.

Image result for head in sand funny