13 Reasons Why The Plandemic 2.0 Perps Are Launching The Eris Bioweapon Right Now

Via State of the Nation

is being used to launch Plandemic 2.0

Plandemic 2.o is an integral piece of the Great Reset implementation plan and New World Order agenda to be executed in earnest this Fall of 2023.

OPERATION SCARIANT, which features the extremely ‘scary’ Omincron subvariant known as Eris, is the main show for folks who are still captivated by this ridiculous government-sponsored but extremely serious genocidal enterprise.

Nevertheless, there are numerous reasons why the Khazarian genocidal bioterrorists are hellbent on rolling out Plandemic 2.0 this Fall.  The following list presents only some of the most significant NWO goals, WEF objectives and WHO targets.

(1) To cover up the massive excess death numbers directly resulting from the ongoing Covid vaccine genocide across America (and global depopulation scheme)

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THE ERIS PSYOP: Much More Devious Than Plandemic 1.0

Via State of the Nation


Featuring the Omicron EG.5.1 Scariant

MAKE NO MISTAKE, even before the Omicron subvariant XBB.1.9.2 bioweapon was bioengineered in some U.S. military bioweaponry lab, the Omincron subvariant EG.5.1 (nicknamed “Eris”) was already planned for the Fall of 2023.

After all, what better way to quickly create chaos, confusion and conflict across America during the final year of the 2024 election cycle than to throw another fake Plandemic at the electorate.

See how the CIA’s hysterical Mockingbird Media is already hyping the Eris Plandemic before it even occurred!

Given what the nakedly criminal Biden administration is already guilty of, those traitors to the Republic desperately need all the distraction a second Plandemic will offer.

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Back to School With 5G.Eris

Guest Post by James Grundvig, American Media Periscope

[Credit: Aaron “Inspector” Kates at a Toronto sports field where new 5G towers were installed.]

The Cabal targets the children. They always have. The Maui firestorm is only the latest piece of evidence in the globalists’ game plan to destroy family units and separate the children. Missing. Murdered. Trafficked. The elites take the child sacrifice any way they can.

Before Covid, Big Government’s intrusion into Americans’ lives was limited. That changed with the use of incrementalism. The Bush Administration used mission creep in the wake of the 9/11 intel agencies’ attacks on New York City and the Pentagon. After the anthrax psyop that fall in 2001 (Agenda 21), the globalists rolled out the Patriot Act. They followed that with one prep and biowarfare act after another leading to Event 201 (Agenda 21) in 2019 and COVID-19 in 2020.

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Is this the REAL reason “Eris” cases are spiking?

Via Off-Guardian

Eris – the most recent “Covid variant” – is supposedly causing spikes in cases all over the world. The story goes that England, Ireland and US are all being hit hard, it’s reached Australia too.

In yet another blow to the “BRICS will save us” crowd, India and China are playing along.

“Scientists” are even clamoring for the return of masks.

We’ve already been over everything you need to know about “Eris” here. Long story short, “Covid” is just another made up name for the flu, and the “variants” are coats of paint they slap on the narrative to try and keep it looking fresh.

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