These people are fucking amateurs. I normally shout my first expletive by 7:00 am. A better survey would be the volume of expletives per day. When I got to work on Monday after a 2 hour and 10 minute commute due to fucking rain and incompetent government fuckwads who can’t clear sewer grates, my staff asked why my voice was hoarse. They thought I was sick. Nope. I had just unleashed tirade after tirade of expletives about drivers and the fucking government on my drive to work. My drive home usually induces even more expletives. 180418-coping-with-stress-cursing-embed

Via NY Post

The average American utters their first curse word of the day at 10:54 am, according to new data.

A study into the everyday stress and frustration of 2,000 Americans aimed to explore how much stress Americans take on and how exactly they deal with it.

Having a bad day? You might be one of the one in four Americans who can’t get past 9 am without cursing most days, while the majority of respondents swear before 11am.

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