Too Little Too Late: WSJ Tries to Save Face on Failed COVID Policies

Guest Post by Madhava Setty, M.D.

Now that our public health agencies’ leaders have admitted failure when it comes to their COVID-19 policies, the Wall Street Journal suddenly has the “courage” to offer a stiff critique.

wall street journal covid policies too late feature

The Wall Street Journal last week published an opinion piece, “Fauci and Walensky Double Down on Failed Covid Response,” with this subhead: “Lockdowns were oppressive and deadly. But U.S. and WHO officials plan worse for the next pandemic.”

The article begins:

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] belatedly admitted failure this week. ‘For 75 years, CDC and public health have been preparing for Covid-19, and in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations,’ Director Rochelle Walensky said. She vowed to establish an ‘action-oriented culture.’”

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