Australian Senator Takes Hard Stand Against COVID Jabs

Via Mercola

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Story at-a-glance

  • In an early-December 2022 Parliamentary speech, Gerard Rennick, senator for Queensland, Australia, reviewed some of the lies told by members of Parliament and the Department of Health about the COVID jabs
  • By September 2022 Australia had logged more than 10 million COVID-19 cases, even though 20 million of Australia’s total population of 26 million had received their COVID jabs
  • In 2021, Australia had 8,706 extra deaths above norm, even though New South Wales remained in lockdown for three months, so, in theory, the death toll should have been lower, not higher
  • Australia has logged 140,000 COVID jab injuries — more than all the injuries reported from vaccines since 1971 — yet the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) refuses to look at or acknowledge the safety signal. Chief health officers also admit not reading key science documents that detail COVID jab hazards
  • Waning effectiveness is the justification for repeated boosters, but artificially inflated antibodies caused by repeated boosters signal to your body that you’re chronically infected, and the resulting immune response may end up accelerating the development of autoimmune conditions such as Parkinson’s, Kawasaki disease and multiple sclerosis

The Canadian Independent video1 above features an early-December 2022 Parliamentary speech by Gerard Rennick, senator for Queensland, Australia, and a member of the Liberal National Party.

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Two speeches you should watch

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Australian Senator Gerard Rennick gives an incredible speech that everyone in the world should hear. And Dr. Naomi Wolf gives a fiery speech against Yale’s vaccine mandate.

Here is Australian Senator Gerard Rennick’s 10-minute speech exposing the hypocrisy over the COVID vaccine. What he says is applicable to every country pushing the COVID vaccines. When are we going to see speeches like this from members of the US Congress?

Continue reading “Two speeches you should watch”