Where is Gonzalo Lira? And how is it okay that he’s been missing for five days?

I used to have regular email correspondence with Gonzalo Lira over a decade ago. He was a regular contributor to TBP back in the day. I lost touch and only recently saw he was still writing and podcasting through The Vineyard of the Saker site. I hope he is OK, but I fear the worst from those Ukrainian freedom loving nazis that our government and media support.

Here is an article he wrote about Cheney back in 2011.


Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

“Our free press” hates dissidents as much as Ukraine’s Nazis do

Gonzalo Lira, the Chilean-American journalist/novelist/filmmaker, whose excellent commentaries on the Ukraine conflict (under the name Coach Red Pill) I’ve shared here, has disappeared. He has not been heard from for five days. Have the Nazis captured him? They surely would, as that is what they’ve done to many “traitors”; and Lira has been highly critical of their regime, offering reasonable analysis of Putin’s motives, and the actual success of Russia’s military operation.

Here is how the Nazis have been dealing with their enemies:

“One less traitor”: Zelensky oversees campaign of assassination, kidnapping and torture of political opposition

If he’s been kidnapped, and is under torture, or dead, you can blame the Daily Beast, as Lira himself has said. Watch this:

A good piece on the situation:

Continue reading “Where is Gonzalo Lira? And how is it okay that he’s been missing for five days?”


This is one of the finest pieces that Gonzalo has ever written. His passion regarding right and wrong, moral and immoral, and punishment fitting the crimes is dead on. Our country is warped and in rapid decline. There is only one way to save it. Prosecute the criminals. Make bankers accept the consequences of their actions. Let failures fail. Let the debt go bad. Enforce the rule of law equally. Throw Dick Cheney into Guantanomo before he reaches his final destination in hell.

Mr. Cheney’s Victory Lap

Dick Cheney is taking a lap around all the talk shows, peddling his memoir while giving his reputation one final spit-shine before he dies and goes straight to hell.



Dick Cheney

Oh—so you actually doubt he’ll go to hell? With the shit he’s pulled? Cabrón, please . . .

It is remarkable that relatively few people seem outraged by Mr. Cheney. Here is the man who, as Vice-President of the United States, violated some of the most important rights, freedoms and liberties that America has defended for over two-hundred years. Not only did he commit what in other times would have been considered war crimes and crimes against humanity—he is proud of having done so!

He boasts about the torture he ordered, he defends the wars of aggression that he fomented, and he is silent about the sweetheart deals he gave his former employer, Halliburton, in the “reconstruction” of countries that he helped destroy.

In short, he violated every rule in the book—yet no one is throwing the book at him. There are no Congressional hearings into his violation of the Constitution. There are no prosecutors sharpening their chops, getting ready to indict him on charges of corruption.

Most of all, there is no public outrage at him.

Sure, some loony Lefties and some old-style hard-ass Conservatives such as myself bitch and moan about him—but no one is seriously arguing for his arrest, indictment and prosecution for the despicable things he did while in office. Or if they are advocating his arrest and prosecution—like me, and perhaps you—then they are on the extreme fringes of the political discourse—like me, and perhaps you: Marginal, and inconsequential.

Read more »


Well RE is going to get his wish. His friend at Automatic Earth is going to debate Gonzalo Lira regarding whether we are headed for a deflationary or inflationary crash. Does it really matter at the end of the day? A crash is a crash. If Bernanke was not printing at hyper-speed we would have experienced a deflationary crash already. If he continues to print and ramps it up, we will experience an inflationary crash. It sucks either way. Here is a link to the site.

It’s on Thursday, Feb. 10, at 9pm EST. The link is here: http://fosslira.blogspot.com/

Maybe I should charge $45 to watch me thrash Smokey and SSS like rag dolls about Boomers destroying the world.


Where is the United States headed?

• A 1930s-style deflationary depression?

• Or a Weimar-style hyperinflationary crisis?


For the first time ever, two of the most prominent writers on this issue will face one another in a live online debate, to be held on Thursday, February 10, 2011.

NICOLE FOSS, a.k.a. “STONELEIGH” at The Automatic Earth, ranks among the most prominent of the deflationists. She maintains that the ongoing contraction of jobs and overall income in the US will lead us into a sustained deflationary depression. Consequently—and in direct contradiction to the advice of hyperinflationists such as Lira—Foss strongly recommends Americans stay liquid in US Dollars and avoid going into any debt. As jobs and many businesses disappear, Foss foresees a crash in the money supply, leaving most people without cash or credit, and a minority hoarding the little that remains.

GONZALO LIRA has emerged as one of the web’s most high-profile hyperinflationists. Drawing on personal experience from Chile in the early 1970’s, Lira says the same hyperinflationary crisis will soon take place in the United States, due to the massive oversupply of debased U.S. dollars chasing after a finite supply of tangibles. He argues that Americans would be well-advised to structure their investments and their own personal lives in anticipation of a rapid and stunning hyperinflation.

This live online debate will be moderated by Jay Carter of Financial Survival Radio.

Stoneleigh & Lira will be taking audience questions—live. Attendees are advised to have a microphone attached to their computer, in order to ask spoken questions in the live Q&A, though written questions will also be taken.

DATE & TIME: Thursday, Febrary 10, 2010 beginning at 9:00 PM EST


Live, 9pm EST, February 10, 2011.

It’s clear that some type of economic depression is coming to the United States and to much of the rest of the world. In many ways, it has already begun.

Deflation vs. Hyperinflation

It’s clear that some type of economic depression is coming to the United States and to much of the rest of the world. In many ways, it has already begun.

Where is the United States headed?

• A 1930s-style deflationary depression?

• Or a Weimar-style hyperinflationary crisis?


For the first time ever, two of the most prominent writers on this issue will face one another in a
live online debate, to be held on Thursday, February 10, 2011.Stoneleigh & Lira will be taking audience questions—live. Attendees are advised to have a microphone attached to their computer, in order to ask spoken questions in the live Q&A, though written questions will also be taken.

DATE & TIME: Thursday, Febrary 10, 2010 beginning at 9:00 PM EST

COST:  $45 Add to Cart View Cart

NICOLE FOSS, a.k.a. “STONELEIGH” at The Automatic Earth, ranks among the most prominent of the deflationists. She maintains that the ongoing contraction of jobs and overall income in the US will lead us into a sustained deflationary depression. Consequently—and in direct contradiction to the advice of hyperinflationists such as Lira—Foss strongly recommends Americans stay liquid in US Dollars and avoid going into any debt. As jobs and many businesses disappear, Foss foresees a crash in the money supply, leaving most people without cash or credit, and a minority hoarding the little that remains.

GONZALO LIRA has emerged as one of the web’s most high-profile hyperinflationists. Drawing on personal experience from Chile in the early 1970’s, Lira says the same hyperinflationary crisis will soon take place in the United States, due to the massive oversupply of debased U.S. dollars chasing after a finite supply of tangibles. He argues that Americans would be well-advised to structure their investments and their own personal lives in anticipation of a rapid and stunning hyperinflation.

This live online debate will be moderated by Jay Carter


Live, 9pm EST, February 10, 2011.

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