Government drones hiring more government drones. Useless healthcare administrators and bureaucrats being hired by the sickcare complex. All these jobs are 100% dependent upon your taxes and the billions of government debt being generated every hour of every day. Sounds sustainable and positive for our future. Everything about this country proves we are a shitshow on the road to ruin.

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From An Industrial Economy To A Paper Economy – The Stunning Decline Of Manufacturing In America

Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

Why does it seem like almost everything is made in China these days?  Yesterday I was looking at some pencils that we had laying around the house and I noticed that they had been manufactured in China.  I remarked to my wife that it was such a shame that they don’t make pencils in the United States anymore.  At another point during the day, I turned over my television remote and I noticed that it also had “Made In China” engraved on it.  With Labor Day just hours in the past, I think that it is quite appropriate to write about our transition from an industrial economy to a paper economy today.  Since the year 2000, the United States has lost five million manufacturing jobs even though our population has grown substantially since that time.  Manufacturing in America is in a state of stunning decline, our economic infrastructure is being absolutely gutted, and our formerly great manufacturing cities are in an advanced state of decay.  We consume far more wealth than we produce, and the only way that we are able to do this is by taking on massive amounts of debt.  But is our debt-based paper economy sustainable in the long run?

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