Hawaiian volcanic activity could become the catalyst that unleashes an extinction level event in the Cascadian Subduction Zone

Via Natural News

Image: Hawaiian volcanic activity could become the catalyst that unleashes an extinction level event in the Cascadian Subduction Zone

(Natural News) I have had a number of conservations with a geologist friend who has been threatened and warned to be quiet. In fact, most geologists, at the university level, have been threatened in one way or another about maintaining their silence on the Cascadian Subduction Zone (CSZ). As Steve Quayle has pointed out (ie Branson GEN SIX Conference in September, 2019), the CSZ event at it is maximum could be at minimum a regional extinction level event. There are many possible trigger events, but the following is one that I have been aware of for almost two years and it is the one that my geologist source says would be the most deadly.

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