That Old Trump Magic!

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

The fact that Herschel Walker barely lost his Senate runoff in Georgia demonstrates beyond a doubt that ANY OTHER REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE WOULD HAVE WON.

This is kind of important. Raphael Warnock’s victory Tuesday night gives the Democrats a 51-seat majority in the Senate — 52 with the vice president. Moderate Democrats are irrelevant now. It’s going to be pedal to the metal for the progressive left.

We have to get to the bottom of who chose Herschel.

OH! Look — it was Donald Trump.

In March 2021, Trump put out this statement:

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Oh No, Some Leftist Jerks Called Me a ‘Hypocrite’

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Oh No, Some Leftist Jerks Called Me a 'Hypocrite'

Does this amateur-hour manipulation ever work? Does the howling of libs that you are somehow morally inadequate in some way that one might think would matter to conservatives constitute an effective tool for compelling our social obedience? So, Hershel Walker got accused of funding an abortion a decade ago and I’m against abortions so when I mentioned on the Twitters that I did not care even if, in the off chance, this anonymous accusation was true, the memo went out…

“Kurt, you are a hypocrite and lack principles!”

Okay, and?

I mean, if you are present in the social media world as anything but a scum-sucking communist cheese-weasel wokeoid, then you are already pretty much the antichrist. You get called racist, imperialist, Islamophobic, transphobic, sexist, ableist, fatist, a cultural appropriator, a Jesus gun nut, a semi-fascist, a full fascist, worse than fascist, a fascist fatist, and every other conceivable combination of meaningless noises. So, adding “unprincipled hypocrite of hypocrisy” is simply making the rubble bounce. I’m not sweating a couple more spittle-sprayed slurs issued from the mouths of morons.

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