Guest Post by Hugo Salinas Price

We Cannot Get Away from Gold or Silver

It is remarkable how billions of human beings are using fiat currencies in the world today without any understanding at all of what they are doing. Curiosity and intellect are indeed very limited in supply amongst humans.

Humanity is attempting to live by the use of fiat currencies – gold and silver as means of interaction between humans are not available today.

And humans are quite ignorant of the fact that the fiat currencies they use have each of them a HISTORY behind them, without which they would not exist.

We humans tend today to discount History. The past has lost its meaning to us. We live entirely in the Present; what happened just a few years ago is no longer of interest, except to a very small minority of humans. History has become irrelevant; we are so engrossed with Technology, the God of the present era, that we have little urge to direct our attention elsewhere.

The Bitcoin is  – according to some at any rate – a technological marvel and should therefore do everything that is expected of it. But the fact that it may be a technological marvel is not enough, though people doubt that statement to begin with. “If the Bitcoin is a technological marvel, then surely it will have to be a brilliant success.” This is optimistic thinking, but quite shallow.

The fact is that all currencies which we unthinkingly use incorporate a historic element. The digitalization of currencies does not eliminate the historic element. Digital currencies DERIVE from paper currencies, and paper currencies, ALL of them, derive from original monetary units which were various quantities of gold or silver.

Not all the technology in the world can eliminate the fact that all digital and paper currencies DERIVE from ancestral quantities of gold or silver which bore the names of the digital or paper fiat currencies we use today.

Humans appear to be willing to attribute derived values to fiat currencies, even when the derivation ascends into the many millions of units. Thus, the great inflations the world has experienced, one of the latest being that which took place in Zimbabwe.

Only when the number of units becomes totally unwieldy is the inflating fiat currency finally rejected, in favor of some alternative fiat currency (no recourse to gold or silver being possible at present.) And so we have had the Mexican peso that went into the thousands of units per fiat dollar, and prices of everything in Mexico into the millions of pesos, before the State decided to shave 1,000 units from the value of the Peso. And still it continues to devalue, now at $13,250 pre-1993 fiat pesos to the dollar, if the $1,000 peso haircut is ignored.

Zimbabwe had its currency go into 1 plus 22 zeros per dollar, before it was finally cast into the junk heap. Humanity is so tolerant!

I’d like to make the point, which I consider important, that critics of fiat currencies have been omitting the historic component of ALL fiat currencies. We are told by the Establishment gurus that gold is finished, that it can never return, that we are beyond gold in a new era of progress which gold could not sustain – the barbarous relic – but what remains unsaid is the enormous fact that ALL fiat currencies, digital and paper, remind us every day (if we care to think about it) that they are descended from gold or silver, and could not exist without this descent. So, gold and silver remain supreme, behind everything that is going on with digital and paper fiat currencies.

We cannot get away from gold or silver! All fiat currencies, digital or paper, testify to their origin in gold or silver.

The Bitcoin is not derived from gold or silver, it is parentless and thus will not and cannot ever circulate as a type of fiat currency, no matter how perfect its technological conception.

Of Paper Money, Digital Money And Gold

Guest Post by Hugo Salinas Price

The digital “Bitcoin” has bit the dust at Mt. Gox Bitcoin Exchange; over $400 million US has evaporated, or perhaps moved into someone’s pocket. The news is all over the Internet these days.

“Digital money” is accepted world-wide. There exists only a remnant of fiat paper money which is increasingly and deliberately made more difficult to use and transport physically. The reason being, that digital transactions leave a trail of information which governments use to control the behavior of their subjects (we can hardly call them “citizens” any longer) whereas citizens using paper money in their dealings leave no trail.

A bank in Mexico, of which I have personal knowledge, receives millions in dollar bills every week in thousands of individual money-exchange transactions. This presents a problem for the bank. Why? Because not one bank in the US will accept these dollar bills (mostly twenties) for credit to the Mexican bank’s account.

Apparently, it would be necessary to present a lifetime resumé of each of the individuals exchanging their dollar bills for pesos, in order to prove that there is no money-laundering going on. Impossible to do, what with the tens of thousands of transactions.

Only the long-established Mexican banks can remit their dollar bills for credit to the US, and then, only to Bank of America. The bank of which I speak is relatively new – though it has well over 12 million individual account holders – and Bank of America will not receive dollar bills from it. Other Mexican banks of recent creation are in the same fix.

All countries are engaged in hampering the use of paper money. Mexico is engaged in this process; otherwise, the Mexican monetary authority – the Bank of Mexico – would have intervened to assist the Mexican bank of which I speak, to remit its dollar bills to the US for credit to its account.

But, to return to the Bitcoin:

Bitcoin has received a great deal of media attention both in the US and around the world. This is quite suspicious, in my view. Of course, there is no way to prove that the Bitcoin has support in the higher circles of politics.

An interesting point about the Bitcoin is that it is so important for it to have a price in dollars; it has had various prices, all totally speculative.

I should like to point out that when real money – gold – was in use in the world, it had no price. All national currencies were only certain various amounts of gold, with various national names.

The Bitcoin as a “digital currency” is an example of the enormous confusion which reigns in the world, regarding what money is and must be.

Money – authentic money – must be the most marketable of all commodities. This is why gold is money! See here. Silver follows in second place.

The Bitcoin cannot be money because it is digital. Since it is merely a digit, which is as close to nothing as one can get, it cannot settle any debt.

The fact is that the world today is not in the least concerned with settlement. Enormous amounts of digital Bonds which promise to deliver digits, but with an interest rate attached, have accumulated as reserves in Central Banks of exporting countries. The Bonds, which are evidences of debt, are proof that payment – that is to say settlement of trade imbalances – has not taken place.

Settlement of international trade imbalances requires that something be delivered in payment, and that something can only be gold. (Silver has lesser value, but might conceivably be fit into settlement of world trade.)

Suppose that China should come into open conflict with its neighbor, Japan. Japan is an ally of the US. In such a conflict, the US might decide to freeze all Chinese dollar reserve “assets” for the duration.

With a few computer clicks in New York, China would find itself deprived of the use of some $1.3 Trillion dollars of its reserves, which are invested in digital Dollar Bonds.

This is a simple explanation of why the Chinese – among the most intelligent people on the planet – are buying gold hand over fist. Gold in the Chinese Treasury cannot be “frozen” in New York.

On March 4 we read that an advisor to Putin has recommended that Russia dump US Bonds in case of US sanctions against Russia, related to the Ukrainian affair. However, if Russia should attempt to dump US Bonds, it would discover that they had already been “frozen” in New York.

The Bitcoin must have a price, but cannot find it and will not be able to find it, for the following reason:

All digital currencies in use today have derived values. The fiat digital Dollar, for instance, has a value that derives, historically, from the time when the Dollar was 1/20.67th of an ounce of gold, and later 1/35th of an ounce of gold, and from that time to the present, a series of falling values which have each derived from a prior value by a series of devaluations.

The Bitcoin has no history, which is the essential element which makes all digital currencies acceptable, utterly false though they are.

The Bitcoin is simply a childish distraction for a childlike world population incapable of discerning falsity, much to the satisfaction of all the crooks, big and small, who prosper by scamming the public.

I remit to Von Mises, who stated that no fiat currency has ever been successfully introduced into circulation without a monetary value ultimately derived from when that currency was gold or silver money. Bitcoin does not fill the bill; it cannot circulate along with the established fiat currencies of the world because it has no history, no ancestry reaching back to its parent, gold or silver.


Hugo believes the ruling class will retain their control and power by re-setting the world monetary system, with gold as part of the new system. I believe the ruling class will attempt this “solution” to their reckless destruction of the existing monetary system, but they will likely lose control and havoc, war, and revolution will occur before some new system is put in place. Solutions based on consensus and compromise DON’T happen in Fourth Turnings.  

The Siren-song of Welfare State

Hugo Salinas Price

Our world is run –  and has been run for some time now – by a relatively very small group of  individuals who have it in their power to manage, as they think, the economies  of nations. Managing the affairs of a nation implies making people behave in  ways in which they would not otherwise behave. National management of an  economy thus means making millions of individuals do what they wouldn’t do if  left to themselves.

There is not one  single national economy in the world today whose people are free to do as they  wish; it is not so much that people are forbidden to do what they think best,  as that their choices are being narrowed, day by day, to being able to do only  what is allowed.

One of the very first  choices which free individuals made thousands of years ago was the choice of  the money they would use in their exchanges of goods and services; after using  other substances such as salt, or copper, or sea-shells, they finally chose  gold and silver for use as money, because all humanity valued these metals above  all other substances, and consequently gold and silver were the most convenient  substances to use as money.

The fact that today  we are deprived of the possibility of using these metals as money indicates  that we are worse off than our ancestors who lived several thousand years ago.  We are forced to use fictitious money provided by our managers and masters. One  important consequence of using fiat money is that it inevitably leads to making  bad investment decisions.

It is clear that if  we are not allowed to do what we think best, anything else we do must be  second, or third, or fourth best for our interest, and anyone who takes second  best for what is in his interest, is incurring a loss. Our economic world has been so weakened and distorted by  accumulated losses and false investments that it is now beyond repair.

More than 7.3 billion  human beings live in today’s world, and except for those living in the jungles  or the deserts, not one of us can act freely to further his interest. We are  all of us incurring losses, whether we are conscious of this fact or not.

Add up all these  losses and mistaken investments and you have the present world, avoiding  bankruptcy and total collapse by skating over thin ice.

The idea that  national economies can and should be managed prevails throughout the world.  Thus, the world is being “managed” into instability; at some point an accident  will happen, and we shall fall through the thin ice into the deathly cold  water.

We are witnessing the  failure of efforts to restore “growth” to the economies of the West; China’s  economy appears to be headed for serious trouble in the near future; the  Japanese leadership is resorting to desperate measures to revive the economy of  Japan. The US is in the grip of an outlandish policy to monetize $85 billion  dollars a month out of nothing, and it is likely that the monetization will  soon increase in volume.

In 1956 the Soviet  premier Nikita Khrushchev uttered his famous prophecy, “We will bury you!” at a  reunion with Western diplomats.

His prophecy is  coming true, for there is precious little difference between a world of managed  economies, and a Socialist world. All Socialist economies are managed  economies, and all managed economies are on the way to becoming full-fledged  Socialist economies. The difference is that a “managed economy” sounds  acceptable, or even quite normal, to a large number of people, whereas the word  “Socialism” is repellent to many people. The words have changed, but not the  substance.

In the 1920’s,  Antonio Gramsci, an Italian intellectual, wrote about how political  institutions are supported by a hegemony made up of people who hold the same views and values. Since “the managed economy”  enjoys the support of a hegemony throughout the world today, we must understand  that Socialism is not some threat that vanished with the fall of the USSR; we are living in a world that is in the  process of becoming Socialist. Khrushchev was right!

Gramsci was a  dwarfish hunchback and in my opinion, he attempted to compensate for his  deformity by taking up Communism and applying his intellect to destroying the  world which regarded him as defective. He spent most of his last days in a jail  to which Mussolini consigned him and died an early death in 1937.

Gramsci’s method for  introducing Socialism was not by means of violent revolution, but by creating  the hegemony which would support Socialism. The hegemony would be created by  using the right words to gather popular support for Socialism. This is what we  are seeing today: people are satisfied with the concept of “the managed economy”  when what it really leads to is Socialism. Thus, the hegemony for Socialism is in  fact installed in the whole world.

We know what happened  to the Soviet Union: it collapsed in bankruptcy. The USSR, which deluded  intellectuals hailed as “the moral light of the world” while they turned blind  eyes to its mass starvations, its Gulags and the terror of its secret services,  turned out to be unsustainable. The difference between the Soviet Union and the  world today is only one of degree, not of essence. Our world awaits the same  collapse which overtook the Soviet Union.

It seems likely to me  that a new international monetary order will be implemented, either before or  after the final inevitable collapse of the present monetary system. It seems  probable, as of now, that any new monetary order will have to include gold in  some way. Gold will re-acquire importance, which will be reflected in a much  higher price for gold, incorporated into a new international monetary system.  The extraordinary accumulation of gold by China indicates that it is preparing  for this change, and this cannot be taking place without the consent of those  who dominate the West: the low price of gold is deliberately facilitating the  process of preparation for the coming change.

However, a return to  an unadulterated Gold Standard in conjunction with the re-introduction of the  system of Real Bills, as advocated by Antal E. Fekete, seems highly unlikely to  me. Such a change seems impossible, given that there is no hegemony, to use  Gramsci’s term, to support such a political move: it would be politically  impossible to institute such a system, because it would require discarding, at  enormous human cost, all the uneconomic structures which have been imposed upon  the world, as well as the elimination of the powerful group that now governs the  world through those structures. Those who rule the world are certainly not  going to reform themselves out of power; it would be a mistake to think  otherwise.

The official Chinese  news agency, Xinhua, has called for  the “de-americanization” of the world. What that implies is clear: the Chinese  intend to have a say in how the world is ruled.

As I interpret  reports, it seems to me that those who run China are quite unaware of the  problem of misallocation of resources which arises from three causes: a) a  fractional-reserve system of banking which expands fiat money credit beyond  real savings; b) a fiat-issuing central bank which “fixes” interest rates and c)  banking which indulges in mismatching maturities, by granting long-term credits  matched against supposedly sight liabilities to depositors. China applies these  conventional modern banking practices on a massive scale, proportionate to the  enormous population of China.

If China manages its  economy according to the same fallacious principles that prevail in the rest of  the world, what different, healthy measures could we expect from China, as a  leading power addressing the profound damage suffered by the world’s economic  structure during the past century?

The inclusion of gold  into a new international monetary order can only mean a re-distribution of the  power enjoyed by those who rule. This implies that gold will not return as  money used by individuals. The world will be told that the new monetary system  is “backed” by gold; individuals may buy and sell gold, but they will not have gold  in their hands as money. We shall  have a new monetary system which will instill renewed confidence, but which  will remain fundamentally flawed.

The use of gold in  the new international monetary system will be reflected in increased power over  the management of individual national economies.

The long-term outcome  – World Socialism – will remain the same, as long as the hegemony responds favorably to the familiar strains of the  siren-song: “Do not worry, do not strive; do not think for yourself; do not  attempt to provide for yourself and your dear ones; do as you are told and we –  the State – will take care of you.”

It may be some time  before humanity ceases to listen to that song.