“You have to live in Truth to remain spiritually free. Life in Truth consists of giving testimony, acknowledging the Truth, and defending it in each situation. Truth never changes. It cannot be destroyed by any decision or legal act. Our slavery stems from our surrender to the rule of the lie, our failure to unmask a lie, and to protest against it in everyday life. Instead of correcting the lie we keep silent, or pretend to believe it is true.”

Jerzy Popiełuszko, Chaplain to Solidarność


“You have to live in Truth to be spiritually free. Life in Truth consists of recognizing the Truth and defending it. Truth never changes. It cannot be destroyed by any legal decision or act. Our slavery stems from our surrender to the rule of the lie, our failure to expose it, and to protest against it in everyday life. Instead of exposing the lie we keep silent, or pretend to believe it. A person who tells the Truth is free despite repression, imprisonment, or custody.”

Jerzy Popiełuszko