Will Jewish Voters Stop Voting For The Democrats Who Want To Kill Them?

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Jewish Americans are going to have to make a decision – the famously Democrat-leaning minority has a big problem because many of its fellow Democrats want them dead. That’s not an exaggeration – the chant of the Democrat’s left wing is not, “From the river to the sea, the Chosen People should be happy, safe, and free.” Kind of the exact opposite. These scumbag commies are so promiscuous with lies about the Jewish people like “apartheid” and “genocide” they ought to hand out rhetorical condoms on the many college quads these loathsome heirs of the Nazis have infested.

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Jews and Blacks: Their Landlord and Their Friend

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

I’m hoping liberals’ instinct for taking the side of barbarism against civilization has taken a hit after seeing so many stories of the BLM movement bellowing their love for Palestinian terrorists paragliding into Israel to butcher, rape and kidnap thousands of Israeli civilians, including infants and elderly dementia patients. It’s hard not to notice that the most unrestrained celebrations of the Hamas killers are coming from BLM members, the “colonized,” diversity beneficiaries, the “Indigenous,” non-Western immigrants and other affirmative action cases.

You unleashed ’em, liberals!

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