The Jig Is Up

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Looks like they’re on to us.

Via The Daily Beast

Farmers’ Markets Have New Unwelcome Guests: Fascists

At Bloomington, Indiana’s weekend farmers’ market, shoppers can stock up on kale, fresh eggs, homemade jams—and anti-Nazi accessories.

“Don’t Buy Veggies From Nazis,” read a pile of colorful buttons at a recent Saturday farmers’ market.

The buttons were a jab at Sarah Dye and Douglas Mackey, proprietors of Schooner Creek Farm, a vegetable farm. Like other unassuming stallholders at the market, Dye and Mackey sell eggs and seasonal vegetables.

But online, Dye is “Volkmom,” an active member of the white supremacist group Identity Evropa, according to leaked chat logs. “Volk” is a nod to the Nazis’ back-to-the-land völkisch movement.

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Martin Armstrong Fears For “The Hatred From The Left”

Authored by Martin Armstrong via,

You can feel it in the air. We are heading into the collapse of government and a violent civil war because hatred is rising dramatically. The government is no longer capable of even functioning. The State of the Union was just an example. It did not matter what Trump said. The Democrats will not break party rank and will refuse to comply with anything. The government never acted like this until Hillary lost. Neither side will accept the election in 2020. Western society will crumble by 2032.

There is no going back.

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Now we’ll see how pro-second amendment Trump is. I bet he signs something put forth by the Democrats.

Via Washington Examiner

Democrats renew push for gun control, assault weapons ban

Just hours after the killings by a lone gunman in a California bar, Democrats began lining up to demand more gun control, an issue that fell off the map during the midterm congressional elections despite the shootings in a Pittsburgh synagogue.

“We need to do something about this. And I’m glad that we have a Democratic majority in the House,” said Democratic Party Chairman Tom Perez.

“To my colleagues — you’re blind if you don’t see what’s going on,” tweeted Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy. “WE CAN STOP ALL THIS,” he added in all caps.


The Cancer of Fanaticism

Guest Post by The Zman

In my school days, teachers would often say that historians remained puzzled as to why so many good Germans stood silent as the Nazis took over or how Russians just allowed the Bolsheviks to go on a murder spree. The point was to have us think about these events as something other than just a good guy versus bad guy thing. The lesson of history was that the forces of good had to be active, not passive. Otherwise, the people seeking to exploit and subvert society would not meet any resistance.

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