They’re magic! Eating mushrooms could slash risk of cognitive decline by 50%

Via Marketwatch

Call them magic mushrooms.

Older people who eat more than two portions of mushrooms a week could cut their odds of having mild cognitive impairment (MCI) by 50%, according to a recent six-year study of Chinese men and women over age 60 that was published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Mild cognitive impairment can include “problems with memory, language, thinking and judgment that are greater than normal age-related changes,” the Mayo Clinic reveals. Having MCI can up your chances of later getting dementia caused by Alzheimer’s, the Mayo Clinic notes.

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Doug Casey on Magic Mushrooms

Via Casey Research

Justin’s note: First legal marijuana… now legal “magic mushrooms?”

It sounds like a pipe dream. But Oregon and Denver are considering decriminalizing psilocybin, the psychoactive compound in “magic mushrooms.”

Not only that, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently designated “Breakthrough Therapy” status to a psilocybin-based drug designed to treat clinical depression.

In short, the chances of psilocybin becoming legal at some level just skyrocketed.

It’s hard to believe, even for a libertarian like myself. As for Casey Research founder Doug Casey? Well, he called the news “exciting” in a private email. So I got him on the phone to learn why…

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