Maine’s Gun-Grabbing False Flag Shooting Exposed As Government-Sponsored Black Op

Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: As usual, conspiracy realist Joachim Hagopian deftly exposes the recent false flag, gun control black operation and statewide psyop carried out in Lewiston, Maine.  The exposé that follows compellingly breaks down this naked op element by element so that even the most ignorant naysayers will understand the very stealthy nefarious plot.

The saddest part of these unrelenting Gladio-style, staged mass shootings across the USA is that they have conditioned the American people that this ‘new normal’ is just the way things are supposed to be.  In other words, each successive generation has been fastidiously socially engineered and mind-controlled to believe that these are all random attacks committed by unstable right-wing extremists or white supremacists or domestic terrorists or MAGA malcontents or radical doomsayers … when they are actually state-sponsored acts of terrorism executed by various agencies within the U.S. Intelligence Community working in concert with rogue elements in the U.S. Armed Forces (& NATO) while being fully supported by local law enforcement and the mainstream media.

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