Measles vaccine math

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Health experts are telling everyone to get the MMR shot. But simple math shows getting the measles vaccine is completely nonsensical. Who do you trust?
What's in a Measles Vaccine?

Executive summary

One person has died from measles in the last 10 years. Is this a sign that everyone who has not been infected or vaccinated for measles should get vaccinated?

According to all health authorities the answer is yes.

According to your friendly neighborhood misinformation superspreader (me), the answer is a big NO.

Why? Because you’re more likely to die or be seriously injured for life from these shots than benefit from them.

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Near 0 deaths per year from MMR in the US over the last 6 years. So why do we REQUIRE kids to get the measles jab?

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

The CDC and WHO claim that the MMR vaccine is the reason there are so few deaths and that the measles vaccines have saved millions of lives. Sorry, not even close. I show you the math. It’s stunning.
Measles: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

The MMR vaccine is extremely dangerous. It’s the vaccine associated with the most autism in the US.

Is there a mortality benefit that outweighs the risk?

The answer is no.

Even if you believe everything on the CDC website as to the mortality benefit, the MMR vaccines would save fewer than 5 lives a year in the US at a cost of over 50,000 new autism cases.

Yet, all 50 states in the US require some form of measles vaccination for children. The parents are not given a choice. This is insane.

So autism rates continue to skyrocket while measles deaths hover at around 1 per year.

But no lawmaker wants to talk about it because vaccines are sacred cows.

In this article, I’ll show you all the data that backs up what I said above.

The bottom line: it is absolutely INSANE that all 50 states require measles vaccination. The decision for any health intervention should be up to the parents to make.

Continue reading “Near 0 deaths per year from MMR in the US over the last 6 years. So why do we REQUIRE kids to get the measles jab?”