OffG Recommends…Network

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

Usually the OffG recommends articles* take the form of a review, but Network doesn’t need another review, and nor does it require our endorsement. Firmly ensconced as it is as a classic of both its genre and Western cinema in general.

However, it has reached that point where it exists in the public mind as a kind of meta reference rather than a work. It is a title, a quote, and a distilled meaning more than a film.

Such is the fate of “the classics”, in all fields. They are seen more than they are watched. Everyone has heard of them, nobody listens to them.

To somewhat address this imbalance, this “recommends” takes the form of a sharp focus on one key speech.

No, not that speech. We’re all mad as hell, obviously, but we’re not screaming out the windows today.

Rather, it is a scene later in the film.

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