Is there any EVIDENCE that old people should get the shot?

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Some people claim that if you are old with multiple comorbidities, you should get the shot. But where is the evidence? Apparently, it doesn’t exist.

How anti-ageing drugs could boost COVID vaccines in older people


  1. Some people claim that elderly people with multiple comorbidities should take the COVID vaccines and boosters.
  2. The all-cause mortality data required to make such claims should be readily available to the public but isn’t.
  3. Nobody I know has seen any data that would justify these claims.
  4. It is unethical to recommend vaccination in any age group without clear and compelling data of an all-cause risk-benefit. Where is the risk-benefit analysis?
  5. If there was all-cause mortality data that supported the “safe and effective” narrative, it’s highly likely we’d all know about it.
  6. This is more evidence of a very corrupt system that no one in the mainstream medical community or media finds objectionable.

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