Isolation Camps in New York State: Tyrants Plan to Appeal

Guest Post by Tessa Lena

Story at-a-glance

  • New York State isolation camp regulation, 10 NYCRR 2.13 “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures,” allows the authorities to force-isolate free citizens without age restriction, time limit, due process, or having to prove that the person is infected
  • Brave attorney Bobbie Anne Cox defeated the New York state draconian isolation camp regulation in July 2022
  • The New York State Governor and Attorney General have been fighting with tooth and nail to keep this regulation in place — and after the Judge struck it down, they promised to appeal
  • Currently, the tyrants are likely sitting in ambush, trying not to stir the waters before the elections but ready to attack after the elections
  • The media is silent, which is why it’s on us to spread the word, unite, and do our best to throw them out of office and set a good example for future aspiring tyrants

This story is about a very brave attorney who’s defeated New York State isolation camp regulation. It is also about the need to act — since we are not out of the woods yet, and the NYS Governor and Attorney General have promised to appeal the Judge’s decision striking down the unconstitutional regulation. They are currently sitting in ambush, likely hoping to get re-elected in the upcoming New York state elections and “do the ugly” then.

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