What a surprise– there’s a mass exodus out of New York City!

Guest Post by Simon Black

In the 1650s, European rivals like England and France were busy dividing up the New World in North America.

France settled much of modern day Quebec in Canada, and England initially settled colonies in the mid-Atlantic.

The English and French didn’t have much in common, and they were bitter rivals. But one thing they did agree on was their mutual hatred of Jewish people.

This was part of a long tradition in Europe. Jews had been expelled from England in 1290. France kicked out all its Jews on at least three occasions from 1192 to 1394.

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Shocking Video Shows Deranged Man Stabbing Multiple People On NYC Subway

Via ZeroHedge

We have a feeling you won’t see this on the evening news.

In another bloody incident of violent crime caught on tape, an assailant armed with a knife slashes at least two terrified men on a subway car in NYC. The incident was filmed by one very steady-handed bystander.

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Christmas in New York: A Cautionary Tale

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

I’ve seen the major U.S. metropolis’ future, and the picture is bleak. A New York City Christmas vacation, spawned by nostalgia for the Manhattan where I lived for most of the 1960s and 1970s, was a grave disappointment, and proof that Thomas Wolfe is right—-you can’t go home. Happy memories of carefree skaters around the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree were quickly dashed. Whether walking along Park Avenue’s Upper East Side or downtown around the East Village, the city is an unlivable, overcrowded, filthy mess. Not that the 60s and 70s were perfect—far from it. Crime and workers’ strikes were major problems. The city teetered on bankruptcy. But with the passage of a half a century, I expected improvements, but found none. Continue reading “Christmas in New York: A Cautionary Tale”