White House Security Concerns Raised As Eyes In Old Obama Portrait Clearly Seen Moving

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Trump White House has raised serious security concerns as the eyes in an old portrait of President Obama gathering dust in a side hallway were clearly seen moving side to side.

Aides noticed the portraits’ eyes would follow Trump whenever he walked through the hallway, then freeze again once he had left the room.

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Obama’s spying scandal is starting to look a lot like Watergate

Guest Post by Michael Barone

Obama’s spying scandal is starting to look a lot like Watergate

F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims,” read the headline on a lengthy New York Times story May 18. “The Justice Department used a suspected informant to probe whether Trump campaign aides were making improper contacts with Russia in 2016,” read a story in the May 21 edition of the Wall Street Journal.

So much for those who dismissed charges of Obama administration infiltration of Donald Trump’s campaign as paranoid fantasy. Defenders of the Obama intelligence and law enforcement apparat have had to fall back on the argument that this infiltration was for Trump’s — and the nation’s — own good.

It’s an argument that evidently didn’t occur to Richard Nixon’s defenders when it became clear that Nixon operatives had burglarized and wiretapped the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters in June 1972.

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In the Random Universe: Let Justice Be Done though the Heavens Fall

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

It’s always fun to see what new internet sensation will next captivate and surprise the blogosphere everywhere and all at once.  The most recent phenomenon to take the media-bubble by storm occurred last week by means of the Laurel or Yanny debate.  In the event the reader has been living under a rock, or in a cave, over the last several days it all started when someone on reddit posted a short audio clip of a computer pronouncing the word “laurel”.  Of course nothing would have come from it, except that other people who heard the clip swore they heard a word similar to “yanny” being pronounced instead.

As the debate went viral across all media platforms, Team Trump even Twittered on the matter from the White House.

At first, I thought it may have been an acoustic hoax whereby two separate recordings were alternating, but that was not the case.  When I, personally, played the clip to people in the same room, at the same time, they heard either “laurel” or “yanny”; as did I.  We were confounded at how we heard completely different sounds from the same recording.

Obviously, there was a scientific explanation and the mystery was solved according to the frequency by which people processed the audio.

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