These ultra-liberal, anti-gun, feminazi, brain dead bimbos who only have a job on TV because of their looks, should stick to fluff stories about puppy dogs. Erin Burnett is a blithering idiot. Yes Erin, a radical Islamist woman who builds pipe bombs and acquires an arsenal of weapons before donning tactical gear and slaughtering 14 non-Muslims, surely did it because of postpartum depression. Did this moron get her journalism degree from the University of Phoenix?

The liberal mainstream media is furious their narrative about gun control has been destroyed. They are flailing about as the truth about the Islamic religion is revealed to all. Obama has been strangely silent since the Islamic terrorist facts have surfaced. What a shocker. Maybe he’s praying at his favorite mosque. on Friday explained that the female shooter’s Facebook page “pledged allegiance to ISIS.” So, just perhaps, this mass murder wasn’t a result of “postpartum psychosis.” Maybe Burnett should check her network’s website.