Enough With the Retro Reagan Cliches

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

I have earned the right to commit the GOP sacrilege of suggesting that maybe we stop applying the WWRD – What Would Reagan Do? – test to every Republican candidate and policy. After all, I was there long ago during his rockin’ reign. Incredibly, it has been nearly 44 years since Ronald Reagan was inaugurated. That’s so many years ago that it is about half of Biden’s life. When RR became president, it was the same number of years until 2024 as it was from 1940. And things change over decades. I know it’s heresy, but maybe the specific policies and personality of Ronald Reagan are not perfectly suited today’s political and cultural reality – especially the fake huggy-gooey version of Reagan current pols talk about. When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail; well, not everything calls for winning one for the Gipper.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – President Reagan gives CIA authority to establish the Contras – 1981

Via History.com

21 Reasons Why Ronald Reagan Was a Terrible President - Soapboxie

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