Science! Blessed be Thy Name

Guest Post by Jordan Henderson

Freedom of Religion can no longer bring about the freedom that it could have in past ages had it actually been implemented; only a Freedom of Belief System could do that today. The reason for this is straightforward; Freedom of Religion would have been a big deal back when the dominant belief system was a religion; Freedom of Religion would have meant the freedom not to have the dominant belief system imposed upon you.

But Freedom of Religion can no longer shield you from having the dominant belief system imposed upon you because today the dominant belief system is The Science as dictated by the state. The Science now serves the same role for rationalizing political power that the church used to do.

I want to first illustrate our new reality, through two written examples. The first example under the subheading “A Little Chat About the Good News,” presents the dogmas of The Science in satire through religious terminology.

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