If he can obtain this, we might be stuck with SSS for another 10 years.   Another product to sell to Iran now that we are best buds and shit.

Seaweed that tastes like… bacon, because science

by Wikipedia user Cwmhiraeth
Oregon State University has come up with a seaweed superfood that tastes exactly like bacon – but is still high in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants

The discovery is a natural strain of edible algae called dulse (Palmaria sp.), which grows in the wild along the Pacific and Atlantic coastlines. The algae is usually consumed in dried form as a cooking ingredient or nutritional supplement.

In a previous project by Oregon State University (OSU), scientists grew between eight and 12 kilograms of dulse each week to feed sea snails.

“The original goal was to create a super-food for abalone, because high-quality abalone is treasured, especially in Asia,”researcher Chris Langdon said.

“We were able to grow dulse-fed abalone at rates that exceeded those previously reported in the literature.”

When the amount of seaweed was larger than the snails could manage, the researcher Chris Langdon asked the university’s Food Innovation Center to join the project.