The chief Golfer of the United States is taking time out from night putting with Reggie Love to address the nation tonight. It’s funny, but I don’t know anyone who favors going to war again in Iraq to defeat some terrorist group created by the CIA and armed by the U.S. in our other war in Syria. But our beloved corporate media propaganda machine has conveniently published a poll that shows Americans overwhelmingly want us to go to war with a group who didn’t exist six months ago, but are now an existential threat to our freedoms and very existence as a nation. McCain and the rest of the Fox News Neo-Cons assure us that ISIS is pouring over our southern borders to blow us all up.

If you ever needed more proof that One Party runs this country, this bullshit episode of fear mongering takes the cake. You know this poll was manufactured on the eve of Obama’s war speech to give the sheep confidence this is the right thing to do. The military industrial complex was in danger of seeing falling profits. They need a new enemy. Everything Obama touches turns to shit domestically. He needs a wag the dog war to distract the sheep from his immigration debacle, his Obamacare clusterfuck, his $1 trillion deficits that have destroyed the middle class, his jobless jobs recovery, his housing recovery without home buyers, and a myriad of other fuckups.

Make no mistake about it, Obama is proposing war in Iraq. If you shoot missiles and use aircraft to blow shit up, you are at war. According to the Constitution, only Congress can declare war. But Obama and the feckless politicians in Washington DC piss on the Constitution. President Executive Order will do as he wishes. Everyone in Washington DC loves war. They love creating non-existent threats. When did the JV team become so dangerous? Why did we arm these same Muslims in Syria when trying to depose Assad for the Saudi/Qatar pipeline to Europe? Where did ISIS get all their money to get all that military equipment? Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel, U.S????

So Obama is going to propose that we spend billions blowing up the billions in military equipment that we shipped over to Iraq in the last ten years. Who benefits from this circular clusterfuck? Arms dealers and debt peddlers. Who runs this country? Wall Street and the military industrial complex, that includes the millions of government workers and the politicians in the pockets of the banks and corporations.

Does anyone actually believe the results of this poll? Are the sheep in this country really that stupid? Are they really that fearful of a bunch of ragheaded camel jockeys in a country 10,000 miles from our shores? What do they think we will achieve by blowing up this faction of radical Muslims? Another faction of radical Muslims will just appear in another six months. Is this exactly what TPTB want? Obama doing this on the eve of 9/11 is a disgusting display of playing upon the fears of the ignorant masses. I truly despise the man.

This country already adds $2 billion per day to the national debt. We already have $200 trillion of unfunded promises on the books. We already spend $1 trillion per year on the military. And the majority of Americans want to ramp up our intervention in the affairs of other countries? Is it because we have been so successful in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Ukraine, Yemen and Iran?  This is beyond the comprehension of any rational thinking human being. Living in the midst of morons, criminals, liars, propagandists, and greedy fucks during the decline of this warfare/welfare state is surreal and infuriating. I just want to scream when I think of the idiocy playing out across this world.

WSJ/NBC Poll: Almost Two-Thirds of Americans Back Attacking Militants

President Barack Obama will lay out plans on Wednesday to combat the militant group Islamic State to an American public that has grown increasingly hawkish.

Almost two-thirds of participants in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll believe it is in the nation’s interest to confront the group, known as ISIS and as ISIL, which has swept through Syria and northern Iraq and recently beheaded two U.S. journalists. Only 13% saw no national interest in acting.

In addition, some 40% in those polled said any U.S. military action against ISIS should be limited to airstrikes, and an additional 34% backed both airstrikes and committing U.S. ground troops to the battle–a remarkable mood swing for an electorate that just a year ago recoiled at Mr. Obama’s proposal to launch airstrikes against Syria.


Obama Lays Out Broad Strategy for Years of War Against ISIS

White House Denies ‘Mission Creep’ as War Expands

by Jason Ditz, September 09, 2014

All of the specifics won’t be available until Wednesday night, but those who were given a “preview” of President Obama’s strategy for the ISIS war say he is laying out a massive undertaking to wipe out the militant group worldwide.

Brookings President Strobe Talbott says that the administration presented ISIS as a “unique danger, not just for the region, but for the world,” and one that the US could only respond to by exterminating it.

What started out as an “emergency” humanitarian campaign to save people trapped on Mount Sinjar, most of whom weren’t trapped there to begin with, has escalated in a matter of weeks into an open-ended war with ISIS that even the most optimistic Pentagon planners say is going to take years.

While he publicly hasn’t confirmed the plans yet, expanding the war from Iraq into neighboring Syria also seems a foregone conclusion at some point, as officials have been downplaying the idea that they could stop ISIS in one country without stopping them planet-wide.

A global war with no strategy for victory and no end in sight certainly wasn’t what the American public were presented with when the campaign began, but White House officials continue to deny that “mission creep” is occurring.

Mission creep has long been a very slow process of escalating the goals of a war, but the administration still hasn’t made it clear that what they’ve set out so far is the totality of the war’s goals, and perhaps more disconcertingly, it’s escalated at a pace far beyond any reasonable definition of “creep.”

The White House tried to pass off the expansion of the war into Anbar as protecting the Baghdad Airport, on the notion that if the Haditha Dam was destroyed it might conceivably threaten the airport, just under 200 miles downstream and not actually built along the shoreline.

But wiping out ISIS in multiple countries and putting something more pro-US in its place is a far broader goal than “keeping the embassy safe” or some other platitude about why the new war was launched, and the scariest part is we aren’t even sure that’s where it’ll finish off, with officials tacking new goals on seemingly every couple of days. Obama’s Wednesday speech will in no way resemble his start of the war speech, and his speech a few weeks down the road will probably be starkly more bellicose, as the war keeps expanding.




Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air
You better watch out
There may be dogs about
I’ve looked over Jordan and I have seen
Things are not what they seem.

What do you get for pretending the danger’s not real
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes
Now things are really what they seem
No, this is no bad dream.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knives he releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo,m he hath great power and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones
Through quiet reflection and great dedication
Master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we’ll make the bugger’s eyes water.

Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream
Wave upon wave of demented avengers
March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you’re told
Get out of the road if you want to grow old.

Little White Boxes

This is another piece of the puzzle. Mass surveillance, tracking our every movement, cell phone kill switches, militarization of local police forces, military exercises in cities, and blatant disregard for the 4th Amendment are there for all to see. The sheep are being penned in and they don’t even realize it or care. They’ll care when they are herded towards the slaughterhouse. But, then it will be too late.

Submitted by RideTwoHorses

“Little White Boxes”

OR: How the USDOT (US Department of Transportation) and their partners know more about you than most other agencies combined.

RideTwoHorses  April 18th, 2014

(Part 1 of 3)

When you drive to work today or your friend’s house or your family’s house for Easter, open your eyes a little bit wider as you pan the side of the road and your surroundings.

On the side of the road, or above you on the overhead sign you’ll notice harmless looking devices appearing like a “Little White Box” with an antenna maybe with or without a solar panel.  They are attached to signs and permanent fixtures like this highway traffic board pictured below. They are on tens of thousands of DPW highway trailers. It doesn’t look scary; it has no camera on some do, but we’ll discuss that later.  Most of you don’t know what it is, or what it does, or have never even noticed them before.

They are part of the world’s largest violation of privacy network ever assembled and what it knows about you and its potential are beyond Orwellian comprehension.

 They are on overhead signs, overpasses and also just entirely stand alone setups with no traffic timing information.   You’ll see them every few miles, before and after bridges and major interchanges. What that little white box is doing is collecting all the Bluetooth radio identifiers from your vehicle assigned to a time stamp.  All of them.  Anything within 330 feet of that “Little White Box” is being cataloged every time you pass.

There are literally 10’s, 100’s of thousands of these deployed globally.

This means it can collect information from both sides of the highway provided that the two directions are within the listening radius.

In some cases, the boxes are deployed in conjunction with cameras, meaning that the state is collecting a picture of you, your car, it’s occupants and an association to all the electronics in your car including your car.  All programmatically.

In this photo above, it’s obvious what’s happening, as it’s part of a test that is already in progress to monitor the residency status of the citizens driving below.  Experiment is one thing, but the entire network to do this nationally an internationally is already built and running today.

The small antenna is a cell phone antenna on the above examples used to relay the information back to the regional centers, and ultimately national centers as is illustrated here in this diagram on the DOT’s own website from section 5.1 shown below in the diagram.   Don’t let the technological speak fool you, it’s really just a bunch of jargon outlining a language by which all of this information moves around, from collection to aggregation to hand off to governments and private partners:


An example communications framework diagram showing the interrelationship of the key communications standards that would be used in a deployment is shown below.

In simple terms, the collection devices sit at the very bottom, connected to the “plant” the “center-to-center” or “C2C” connections and information sharing with other government entities and private companies occurs at the top of the structure.

Your babies iPad 1.0 that doesn’t have a cell radio in it that is entertaining them in the back seat.  Your new Fitbit which is monitoring your heartrate or step count.  If you have a vehicle with built in Bluetooth cell phone, that too has an ID.  Your old Apple iTouch, it too although not on the cellular network is also cataloged.  Yes, all your phones are cataloged too, but since you already willingly give up that telemetry information to authorities in meta-data we’ll avoid that topic for now.

Everything with a Bluetooth radio in your vehicle has been identified as you pass the “Little White Box”.  You, your kids, your passengers, all of them.   That identifier is unique, globally.   Let me repeat that.

Every device you have with Bluetooth, has a globally unique identifier that is being collected every time you pass one of these “Little White Boxes”.

This is a means of identifying who you are uniquely on a global scale.   If you wondered why Osama Bin Laden only communicated by human messenger? this is a very good example of why.  Any globally unique ID can be used to track your whereabouts as you pass these LWB’s (Little White Boxes).


Origins of abuse

Under the guise of highway safety, and a bill passed back in 2010, the Department of Transportation has mandated that all of it’s highways have these devices as part of it’s “Intelligent Transport System, or ITS, and also tied to RITA (Research and Innovative Technology Administration).  If you’re in Eurpoe, you should start looking into “Little White Boxes” managed by this agency: TISPOL.  Which motto is “Crossing Boarders to Save Lives”

In the US – Every state is mandated to deploy this system by 2016, and many have already, ironically all paid for by you the taxpayer.  It’s long term aims are even more egregious, including leveraging “in-vehicle” systems to automatically ticket you when you do something wrong or take control of your vehicle and correct your driving.  At first, and it’s even spelled out in their own internal documents, they will approach the concerned public with “safety fixtures” and things that serve “the public good”, something easy for the public to latch on to, “ticketing people who overtake school buses”. 

How about private companies?  Let’s have a look at INRIX and their data publically available here.

 We’ll leave the grander capabilities of INRIX the ITS and RITA programs alone today and remain focused on the “Little White Boxes”, as this alone should be enough to scare you of what’s possible.  INRIX’s role in life is to “catch people wasting time and negatively impacting the economy” as their own public website states.  Nothing against INRIX  it just happens to be one of the directly connected partners to the whole system that anyone can identify with some simple Googling.

The governments stated purpose is that these signs are there to assemble a system of information meant to monitor the speeds of highway links as can be seen here in these puff pieces – which it does quite well.  We have grossly traded our privacy in doing so based on how the system accomplishes this.

How it works is that all of the Bluetooth ID’s are read at checkpoint #1 and then read again at checkpoint #2.   The centralized database then compares the timestamps between the two checkpoints and calculates velocity of the ID’s, this is being done locally,

Note that it has your GPS coordinates AND your globally unique identifier captured and reported back to a central server.

You might think that this database or central server is local only and who cares.  It is not.  There is an entire protocol developed around how these “Little White Boxes” all aggregate up regionally, then nationally called RTSMIP (Real Time System Management Program) and internationally as these systems are being deployed globally.   You can read more about its origins here from 2009. Permitting government agencies to query the databases, and of course “private contractors” are also privy to this database as well.

How does the information move around the network and interconnect with agencies?  Of course, this will be written about in the context of weather, accidents and public safety, and not the fact that its built entirely on your globally unique Bluetooth ID’s.  Note that the data and systems are not just meant for public entities, but also “development contractors”:

Data Exchange Format Specification (DXFS)

In 2011, U.S. DOT began development of the Data Exchange Format Specification (DXFS) to facilitate the development of interoperable real-time traffic and travel information between public agencies, with other public agencies, and with private entities.

A primary objective of the DXFS is to establish a standards-based specification of key RTSMIP interfaces. To align with the objective the scope of the DXFS is the set of interfaces used to send traffic, transit, transportation-related weather, and traveler information from one agency to another. The provision of this data directly to travelers is not part of the scope of the specification. While the DXFS covers all the information defined in Rule 23 CFR 511, the scope of the DXFS has been expanded beyond the information defined in the rule to include transit information and additional traffic information that is relevant to the exchange of data between agencies (and other parties). The DXFS is a specification that can be used to define the information exchanges across a system-to-system interface, thus providing interoperability of systems that implement the DXFS. The DXFS does not specify communication protocols, but it does refer to existing standardized protocols that can be used for transferring the data.

Users of the DXFS

The DXFS has been developed to assist the following groups of users to specify and then develop an RTSMIP implementation:

  • Transportation Agencies. This group includes state DOTs and regional transportation related organizations (e.g., a municipal DOT or Public Works or a transit agency) that are developing systems that implement aspects of the RTSMIP.
  • Public Safety Agencies. This group includes state, county, or local public safety agencies that develop systems that support RTSMIP.
  • Traveler Information Organizations (Public or Private). This group includes providers of traveler information whether public or private that are involved in the development of systems that supportRTSMIP.
  • Development Contractors. This group includes contractors who have been hired by transportation or public safety agencies to develop procurement packages that would specify aspects of RTSMIP, or contractors who have been selected to perform the development of RTSMIP related projects.

Programming junkies can take the protocol apart here, those who are familiar with SNMP and XML will see many similarities and instantly understand how you could query against a specific Bluetooth ID, e.g. MAC address (read individual).

The whole system of managing highway intelligence is predicated on violating your own privacy by collecting all your device ID’s.   The system in place already is massive, covering almost all major highways.

“I’m sure none of this will be used against us.”

It should be noted that the system also has an eloquent method of determining where you get on and where you get off the highway.   Deploy one nowhere near the exit, but deploy it in-between the exits as has been done in existing installations.  If your ID is there at one checkpoint, and gone the next, well, we know you left the highway at approximately this time, calculating the velocity of your vehicle from the former checkpoints and understanding the distance between the checkpoint and the sign.  We’ll know you’re not in traffic either, because your neighbors will still be going “highway speed”.   These systems are deployed now at most state boarders, cities and major interchanges.

Yes, the system knows when YOU get on and off the highway, who you are traveling with, how many times you run this route and even more interesting, when you’re operating outside your “normal behavior”.

The immediate argument that governments already have enough information from you from your cell phones to do this with.  This argument is flawed, because the data around cell phone “meta-data” is predicated on who you call, and maybe when, but does not give the government the rest of the picture. This “LWB” system easily can build social networks of who you travel with, what devices you travel with and the rest of the five W’s about your daily habits, all without your cell phone.

Even if you want to believe that the government has totally usurped your phone, which perhaps it has, then you can just consider this system another vector in how it can triangulate and monitor everything you do.  At the very least, As we know in business, and the management of crowds, “everything that can be measured, will be managed”.  Anyone who works in public relations knows that you must have a solid assessment of who your customers are in order to spark behavior, the more intelligence you have about your customers, the more you can easily manipulate them.

In the management of large crowds of people, or citizenry, the more intelligence vectors you have on them, the easier it is for you to control and manipulate them.

DOT on the initial adaptation of these systems:

When it was first unveiled, the Bluetooth detection system was referred to by some media outlets as a motorist tracking system. This description initially caused some public concern, but these issues were short-lived.

Lets say you usually commute with person A.  The system would see that you always commute with person A, every day, same time in, same time out.  Now you add person B to the carpool.  The system now knows you have a new friend in your social network, a physical friend, with their devices, and all the intel that they already have about both person A and B is now linkable.

“The five W’s: Checkmate”

Simple things that this “Little White Box” network with this data can determine every time you pass a government checkpoint:

·      Who – easily associating Bluetooth ID to people from purchase databases, which companies maintain from point of sale data or manufacturers.

·      What – the devices, including wearable tech, your kids portable tech, without cell radios and of course your newer Bluetooth enabled cars, which have unique identifiers as standard equipment, tied to your purchase of the vehicle.  GM for example has a record of all of its Bluetooth ID’s associated to the purchaser of the vehicle, as does any other auto manufacturer.

·      Where – what routes you take and with what devices.

·      Why – Why are you driving somewhere, or not.   The pattern creation by daily habits is easily used to verify you are doing something normal or abnormal.  Example:  Hmm, this is weird, Citizen A who travels with Citizen B on Thursdays at 8AM and 6PM aren’t doing that today, why are thy going towards another city?  In two separate cars?

·      When – What time you commute, or when you don’t, and when you deviate from your normal behavior pattern.


“Putting it to use”



In Boston, during the recent scare and last years bombing, when you were asked to “shelter in place,” lets say you decided to be a rebel and go out and drive around, this system knows that about you and can be used in the future to understand who was a “well behaved obedient citizen” and who needs to have “extra watching”.


Assume during the Occupy Wallstreet movements that “LWB’s” were watching, cataloging your assembly, your associations and your routines.   All it takes to develop these intelligent databases of social behavior is a nefarious deployment of tiny boxes, their GPS coordinates and a cell phone antenna, the size of a shoebox.  They can be powered by solar or regular commercial line power.

If you wanted a government enabled with the power to know where you are, who you are with and when, paid for by your taxes.  You are already there, funneling your data points in real time into private corporations, and the Department of Transportation.   This is not something coming, and this is something established, built and functioning.


“Pushing Back”


If governments and corporations want to demonstrate to the public that this system is not doing these things, they should start by immediately dismantling the collection of globally unique identifiers and leveraging alternative technologies right at the “LWB’s”.   Bluetooth ID’s shouldn’t be listened for, they shouldn’t be collected or even transmitted to the nearest cell tower, certainly not without your permission at a very minimum.   Even in the purest of intentions and implementations, you have to assume that any entity is going to be at least as sloppy as a big retailer or big bank who has already had it’s entire databases stolen by “bad guys”.   If this system is truly meant to ensure “public safety”, then lets have it start by protecting your privacy at the constitution.  This even in the tamest of interpretations is a violation of the 4th and likely 5th amendments in its implementation already today.

Or, how about we enable them only on vehicles we the public pay for?  All of our public safety vehicles and government officials?  Surely we the citizens should know where they are, how fast they are driving, who they are colluding with, how often, what devices they have with them.   I’m sure they’d be all for that system of transparency.  Right?


 In the next segment, we’ll explore the likely use of this system to develop a militia network profile of those who decided to go to the Bundy Ranch.   Because Utah, Arizona and Nevada?  Yes, they too are equipped with “LWB’s”, “Little White Boxes”.

Submitted by:  RideTwoHorses.  How to remain sane leading up to and beyond the collapse of modern government.


“Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!” – George Carlin


Whenever I read the responses of average Americans to questions about the economy and how our government operates, I think of George Carlin. Here is another poll that confirms we are doomed. Americans like big government. They actually think the government creates jobs. They actually aren’t worried at all about peak oil. They actually think we can cut the budget without touching Medicare or Social Security or the Military. The education system in this country has done just as those in power wanted. It has created the most clueless, docile, non-critical thinking flock of sheep ever assembled on earth in one place. They approach the slaughterhouse without a care in the world. Here is teh link to the actual survey.

Americans Oppose Government Shutdown, Fault Cuts in Poll

Americans are sending a message to congressional Republicans: Don’t shut down the federal government or slash spending on popular programs.

Almost 8 in 10 people say Republicans and Democrats should reach a compromise on a plan to reduce the federal budget deficit to keep the government running, a Bloomberg National Poll shows. At the same time, lopsided margins oppose cuts to Medicare, education, environmental protection, medical research and community-renewal programs.

While Americans say it’s important to improve the government’s fiscal situation, among the few deficit-reducing moves they back are cutting foreign aid, pulling U.S. troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq, and repealing the Bush-era tax cuts for households earning more than $250,000 a year.

The results of the March 4-7 poll underscore the hazards confronting Republicans, as well as President Barack Obama and Democrats, as they face a showdown over funding the government and seek a broader deficit-reduction plan.

“Americans do not have a realistic picture of the budget,” says J. Ann Selzer, the Des Moines, Iowa-based pollster who conducted the survey. “We all know people who are in debt yet cannot for the life of them figure out where the money goes.”

Overall, public concern about the deficit — which is projected to reach $1.6 trillion this year — is growing, although it’s still eclipsed by employment, with poll respondents ranking job creation as a higher priority.

1% of Budget

More than seven in 10 respondents say slashing foreign aid and pulling troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan would result in substantial savings, and large majorities back such moves. Yet foreign aid accounts for about 1 percent of federal spending, and the Pentagon requested $159 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan this year, less than 5 percent of Obama’s $3.83 trillion federal budget.

Fewer than half of respondents say cutting Medicare benefits or raising the age at which Americans receive Social Security retirement benefits would have a large impact on the deficit, and only 2 in 10 favor cutting Medicare benefits. Such entitlements account for about 40 percent of the budget and are the main drivers of the long-term deficit.

“Those people need those benefits,” says Will Moore, 36- year-old electrician from Dallas, Georgia, in a follow-up interview. Congress instead should eliminate “useless government programs and cut taxes and put money back in people’s pockets to stimulate spending,” says Moore.

Eclipsed by Jobs

When given five choices for the most important issue facing the nation, unemployment and jobs ranked first with 43 percent – – down from 50 percent in Bloomberg’s December 2010 poll — with the deficit and spending cited by 29 percent, up from 25 percent. Health care was chosen by 12 percent, the war in Afghanistan by 7 percent, and immigration by 3 percent.

Asked to choose between jobs and the deficit, 56 percent called creating jobs the government’s more important priority now, while 42 percent said cutting spending was.

Obama and congressional leaders have until March 18 to break an impasse over funding the government through the end of the 2011 fiscal year or risk a shutdown. The Republican-led House last month passed a $1.2 trillion budget that includes $61 billion in cuts. Obama and Democrats call the reductions excessive and propose cutting a total of about $10 billion. The debate is only over the current budget and doesn’t include long- term issues about the debt, including entitlements.

Cautionary Notes

To be sure, the poll holds cautionary notes and signs of opportunities for both parties in the budget battle. It shows the public doesn’t support the Republicans’ deep cuts to social and scientific programs. Solid majorities reject significant reductions in community programs that serve lower-income Americans, medical and scientific research, education programs and the Environmental Protection Agency. Fifty percent oppose significant cuts to public television and radio, compared with 46 percent who are in favor of that.

Still, the results indicate the public embraces the Republican argument that spending cuts will improve the economy and create jobs and doesn’t agree with Obama’s plan to invest in such areas as infrastructure to jumpstart a recovery.

Fifty-three percent say the drive to cut spending and taxes would improve the economy, while 44 percent say spending money on high-speed rail, expanding access to broadband Internet and developing new sources of alternative energy, as Obama proposes, would lay the groundwork for growth.

The poll also found that 61 percent say it’s possible to bring down the deficit substantially without raising taxes, while 37 percent said it isn’t possible.

Partisan Divide

While large majorities of both Democrats and Republicans want to avoid a government shutdown, that feeling is stronger among Democrats: Only 6 percent of Democrats say the issue of spending cuts is important enough to warrant a shutdown, compared with 92 percent who said they want to avoid that; 29 percent of Republicans say deep reductions need to be made even if it means closing down the government for a time, while 69 percent say that should be avoided. Just over 7 of 10 independents say they want compromise.

Overall, 77 percent say while cuts need to be made, an accord should be reached to avert a shutdown, compared with 20 percent who say a shutdown would be tolerable.

“I don’t think that allowing the government to shut down is acceptable,” says Suzanne Ray, a 67-year-old retired state employee from Richmond, Virginia, who describes herself as an independent. “We have elected people who should be able to reach reasonable decisions instead of acting like a bunch of spoiled children.”

Hands Off Medicare

While the broad majority that wants compromise on the budget may signal peril for Republicans, 45 percent say the party would benefit more than Democrats from a shutdown for having taken a strong stand against spending; 34 percent say Democrats would gain.

People are reluctant to touch Medicare, with more than three-quarters opposing any reduction in benefits to the insurance program for the elderly. Fifty-one percent say that would make little difference to the federal deficit, compared with 44 percent who say it would have a big impact.

Respondents split over whether gradually raising the age of eligibility for retirement for Social Security to 69 would produce at least modest savings: 47 percent say it would produce very or fairly large savings, compared with 48 percent who say it would have little impact.

The public may be opening up to the idea of raising the eligibility requirement for Social Security. From December, there was a 7-point increase in the percentage of Americans who support raising the retirement age, to 44 percent. While just 22 percent say Medicare benefits should be reduced, that’s a 7- point jump from three months ago.

Do Something

And 40 percent say Medicare should be replaced with a system in which government vouchers would help participants pay for their own health insurance.

“Something has to be done,” says Stanley Stein, a 75- year-old retired X-ray technician from Sahuarita, Arizona, who endorses raising the retirement age and means-testing Social Security benefits. “Otherwise, there’ll be nothing for anybody.”

There’s also a partisan split in public perceptions of the threat posed by the deficit.

Forty-six percent of Republicans and 47 percent of Tea Party supporters call the deficit and government spending the most important issue facing the country, compared with 16 percent of Democrats, for whom jobs ranks first. Almost 7 in 10 Republicans and Tea Party backers say spending is the more important priority over jobs, while 77 percent of Democrats choose job creation over the deficit. Jobs are the higher priority for independents, by a margin of 55 percent to 42 percent — almost identical to respondents overall.

The poll of 1,001 adults has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.