It’s time we hold these people accountable; let the lawsuits begin

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

I’m going to pay for the lawsuit to sue Springer and their corrupt editorial board at BMC Infectious Diseases for their decision to retract the Skidmore paper; the most popular paper in their history.

The Skidmore paper is about to be retracted by the journal. They’ve already decided that the paper cannot be amended and must be retracted. They wouldn’t answer any questions from me about why it couldn’t be amended when I asked nicely, so we’ll find out why the paper couldn’t be amended under deposition and penalty of purjury. That’s the way they will prefer to settle this. That’s just fine with me.

Executive summary

The medical journals need to be held accountable for their retractions of valid scientific papers that don’t fit the narrative.

The Skidmore paper is a clear cut case.

This paper was the #1 most popular paper in the history of the journal.

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