Frostback Tunes…

Guest Post by Francis Marion

Greetings fellow Romans. I bring you music from the northern colonies. Some well known… some not so much.

Hail Caesar.


KD Lang…. don’t watch – just listen.

Newfie Music

Great Big Sea

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American vs German War Songs. Who does it better?

I’m feeling war-like today.  I am tired of fighting against my over-lords. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.  Fuck it, let’s bomb the fuck out of Ukraine!  Kiev today! Tomorrow …Moscow!!!

But, America’s Ministry Of Propaganda MUST get their shit together!! When was the last time we had a really decent War March ballad? WWII?  Maybe the Vietnam era Green Beret song?

NEVER underestimate the power of song to unite people.  Joan Baez! Bob Dillon! Pete Seeger! CCR!  Barry McGuire! Cher!!  These folks ended the Vietnam War, baby!

Oh wait … fuck ’em … we need songs GLORIFYING war.  That will get folks engaged, trust me. The Germans were really, really good at it.  So was Amurrika, at one point. We need to bring back the good old days, if we hope to Conquer The World.  Forward! March!!

I know most of you ADD curs have the attention span of a gnat. So, I purposely picked two songs just barely over two minutes each. Even so, they are so damn sweet you should be in a War Mood in no time at all. For the record, I’m voting for the German song.