Stephanie Pomboy: Market Overvalued By 40-50% (Or More)?

Via ZeroHedge

Macro analyst Stephanie Pomboy returns in this Part 2 of our interview with her, where she explains why she predicts a painful recession ahead as well as a substantial haircut — possibly as much as 50% or more — for financial assets in the coming year or so.

Follow Stephanie at Or on Twitter at @spomboy

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Inflation Is Dominating Headlines, But Deflation Is What Investors Should Fear

Via Wealthion

Voices like Elizabeth Warren have been among the loudest when it comes to painting “corporate greed” as the prime suspect behind rising inflation in the US.This isn’t a fringe perspective. On Wednesday, Joe Biden sent a warning letter to top oil executives asking them to bring down prices, implying the administration might intervene if not.

Is this narrative true? Is Exxon responsible for rising gas prices? Is Tyson Foods responsible for rising egg and pork prices? Macro analyst Stephanie Pomboy doesn’t think so.

Continue reading “Inflation Is Dominating Headlines, But Deflation Is What Investors Should Fear”