URGENT: A new court ruling shows the insane overreach of the PREP Act, which effectively bars ALL suits over the Covid jabs (not just against Pfizer/Moderna, against anyone)

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The PREP Act should be called the Goodfellas Act, because its guiding principle comes straight from the mob: F— you, can’t sue.

On Aug. 20, 2021, as his stepfather waited outside, a 14-year-old boy named Tanner Smith walked into a North Carolina high school for a Covid test.

But the testing area doubled as a vaccination center, and once Tanner arrived, he was told he needed a Pfizer mRNA Covid shot. He told the vaccinators he had come for a test, not a jab. They called Tanner’s mom. She didn’t answer. They made no effort to contact Tanner’s stepfather at all.

“Give it to him anyway,” one of the vaccinators said. So they did.

Almost exactly one year later, on Aug. 19, 2022, Tanner and his mother Emily Happel sued the county board of education and the medical group that had given him the shot for battery and violating their state and federal constitutional rights.

It seemed like an open-and-shut case.

And it was.

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