Feminism and Immigrant-Invaders Destroyed Europe

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In Sweden the rape of white Swedish women by black immigrant-invaders never stops. In the latest outrage four black Eritreans forced a 13 year old Swedish girl into a bathroom and took turns raping her while filming the gang rape. According to the news report, the vaginal rape was “preceded by violence consisting of at least two of the defendants grabbing the plaintiff’s neck and shoulder, slamming her head into a wall and pushing her into a bathroom.” https://europe.infowars.com/four-migrants-charged-in-brutal-gang-rape-of-13-year-old-swedish-girl/

If convicted, prosecutors hope that the four blacks are deported back to Eritrea and are banned from entering Sweden for at least 15 years. But the Swedish Migration Tribunal blocks deportations on “humanitarian grounds.” https://www.rt.com/news/472639-sweden-muslim-extremists-expel-humanitarian/

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Sweden cancels traditional Christmas concert and increases promotions for Islamic events

Via Voice of Europe

Sweden’s, and perhaps the world’s largest outdoor Christmas concert “Oh Holy Night”, which traditionally airs on Swedish national TV on Christmas Eve each year, has been cancelled, SVT news reports

This is most likely yet another example of Swedish traditions being suppressed in order not to offend migrants who don’t hold Christian beliefs.

Earlier incidents include:

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Sweden In Free Fall

Authored by Judith Bergman via The Gatestone Institute,

  • If it is considered ‘objectionable’ in the West to talk about the factual consequences of migration, in Sweden it is now viewed as a crime.
  • The kind of ‘integration’ that the mosque in Växjö is reportedly spreading to the local Muslim inhabitants is that Muslims are urged not to participate in the Christmas celebration of “kuffars” [a derogatory term for ‘disbelievers’], and Jews are, of course, mentioned as the enemies of Allah. The mosque’s school uses Saudi Arabian school curricula, and encourages women not to dress in ‘Western clothes’.

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Sweden appoints Pakistani to lead National Heritage Board

Via Speisa

Sweden appoints Pakistani to lead National Heritage Board

Qaisar Mahmood, a Muslim born in Pakistan, is the new head of the Swedish National Heritage Board. This is an extremely anomalous appointment, since he readily admits that he has not read anything about Sweden’s cultural heritage. But his new job is not really about preserving and protecting Sweden’s cultural heritage and historical sites at all.

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