Texas House speaker signs warrants to arrest 52 wayward Democrats

When are Democrats going to understand their rinky-dink bullshit behavior doesn’t work outside of Washington D.C.? In Texas, there’s real consequences to stonewalling and abandoning your elected duties. These people need to be reminded that THEY WORK FOR US.

In this July 13, 2021, photo, state Rep. Senfronia Thompson of Houston speaks outside the U.S. Capitol, flanked by fellow Democratic members of the Legislature demanding federal voting rights legislation. The Texans broke quorum to quash a GOP elections bill in Austin.

Via The Dallas Morning News

AUSTIN — House Speaker Dade Phelan signed civil arrest warrants for 52 absent Democrats late Tuesday, setting in motion the potential round-up of lawmakers who’ve avoided the Capitol in order to stymie a GOP elections bill they say would harm minorities.

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