The Sorcerer and the Plague: A Children’s Tale

Via Mercola

the sorcerer and the plague

Story at-a-glance

  • This story was inspired by the Soviet dissidents who often managed to convey their messages by using the genre of children’s tales
  • It’s fiction — but it tells us about the real world that we are living in today
  • Power-hungry individuals have a million tricks up their sleeves, at all times — but without our compliance, their power is short-lived
  • Together, we can stand up for our dignity and expel the tricksters from our lives
  • It may feel dark today — but this darkness will end, and in order for it to end in due time, our work to expel it needs to be done now and every day, until we win

This story was inspired by the work of the Soviet dissident writers and film makers who often managed to convey their messages by using the genre of children’s tales.

“The Plague, the Plague! Beware of the Plague”

Once upon a time, in a fictional far-away kingdom, the authorities announced a big plague. King’s messengers on horses and in beaked masks, were sent to every town and every village, demanding that the citizens drop whatever they were doing and go back home. Continue reading “The Sorcerer and the Plague: A Children’s Tale”

The Plague Jab

Guest Post by The Zman

In ordinary times in ordinary countries, the prospect of a vaccine for even a nuisance ailment like the Chicken Pox would be welcome news. After all, one measure of society is the technology to improve human health. In a technologically advanced society, members not only live longer, the quality of life is better. An extra 20 years as a feeble old man is not exactly a reward for a life well-lived. Therefore, the promise of a Covid-19 vaccine next year should be welcome news.

As with everything else, it seems, the news of a possible vaccine just reveals how deranged and bizarre life has become in the West. The majority of Americans are highly skeptical of the vaccine. If people were honest, you would find large majorities unwilling to take the vaccine at all. Even in the medical professions, where faith in their own skill is beyond reality, close to half distrust the vaccine. It does not help that the rulers feel the need wrap the vaccine question in their racial madness.

Continue reading “The Plague Jab”

The Next Plague Is Coming. Is America Ready?

Via The Atlantic

The epidemics of the early 21st century revealed a world unprepared, even as the risks continue to multiply. Much worse is coming.

At 6 o’clock in the morning, shortly after the sun spills over the horizon, the city of Kikwit doesn’t so much wake up as ignite. Loud music blares from car radios. Shops fly open along the main street. Dust-sprayed jeeps and motorcycles zoom eastward toward the town’s bustling markets or westward toward Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s capital city. The air starts to heat up, its molecules vibrating with absorbed energy. So, too, the city.

Continue reading “The Next Plague Is Coming. Is America Ready?”