They wanted us to die. They were cheering the deaths of any un-jabbed critical thinking individual. The hated us then and they hate us now. We need to distance ourselves from anyone who still believes this bullshit. They are dumb and deranged. This includes family and former friends. We’ve been at war since March 2020, so you better realize it and do whatever is necessary to win.

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What Will It Take To Make You Understand And Accept That They Hate You?

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

What Will It Take To Make You Understand And Accept That They Hate You?

You need to die because of your smile.

That’s the position of our enemies, and we know it because they told us – openly, proudly, in the garbage public forum that is Twitter and elsewhere. Oh, they backtracked a little when the extent of their killing fantasies got exposed, scampering like their insect analogy, the roach, when someone flips on the kitchen light. But that kid in DC with the Frigidaireborne reefer ranger banging that drum in his baffled mug? They wanted that kid to die for having a Wrong Smile.

Cue the excuse chorus: “That’s nonsense! We just wanted to pummel that kid and then destroy him, his family and and all his classmates! Don’t look behind the curtain at the woodchipper comments and bomb threats, you cisnormative monsters!

Think of what they would do with real power…

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