The Rise of the Troglodytes

Guest Post by Blue-Collar Dood

Recommended audio track while reading: Elsewhere by Jim Hall published at the Free Music Archive. Click Here.

“Do not put your trust in princes, in mortals, in whom there is no help. When their breath departs, they return to the earth; on that very day their plans perish.” (NRSVCE Bible, 1989, Psalm 146:3-4)

Have the governments of the world, truly acted in our best interest with regards to their level of response to the Covid-19 pandemic? One can argue physiological health becomes predominantly important when faced with such a crisis. But do our “powers that be” care about our mental and emotional welfare? Do they even acknowledge the presence of the human soul and our spiritual wellness?

In a Q&A interview dated May 5th 2020, the Auburn University Newsroom asked their own professor of sociology (Dr. L. Allen Furr) to comment on the societal effects of “lockdowns”. In his response he offers, “We learned from the SARS and MERS epidemics that quarantines affect the mental health of people in isolation and health care providers. Anxiety, substance abuse, depression and anger lasted months and even years after those crises ended. We need to be aware of emotional and behavioural changes in ourselves and loved ones and not be afraid to ask for help if troubles persist.” (University of Auburn, 2020, para. 4)

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