Here’s some of what you may not know about Ukraine—about the US coup eight years ago

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

Here’s some of what you may not know about Ukraine—about the US coup eight years ago, what’s happened since, and what is happening right now

Videos that offer us a view quite different from the one we’re getting from the media non-stop, across the board—a propaganda narrative devoid of truth or decency

First, I strongly recommend, to those who haven’t seen them, Oliver Stone’s two documentaries, Ukraine on Fire (2015) and Revealing Ukraine (2019).

“What You’re Not Being Told” about Ukraine: a video on the US coup in 2014, including parts of the hacked phone conversation between Victoria Nuland, of the State Department, and Geoffrey Pyatt, US ambassador to Ukraine:

The entire phone conversation between Nuland and Pyatt:

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